Prisoner Cell Block H Wiki

"When I was a kid I was the victim. I was Karen, but I refused to let that be my story."

Karen "Kaz" Proctor was a former inmate of Wentworth Correctional Centre.

Before Wentworth she was the leader of the notorious Red Right Hand, a group which protected women and assaulted men in acts of 'retribution'. The group looked up to Bea Smith as their inspiration.

When Proctor is arrested and sent to Wentworth thinking that Bea was the one who shopped the group to the police she decides to help Joan until she realises who Joan really is. Later Proctor receives the role of top dog with Bea telling her not to let the women down. While things decline from there with a prison in mourning, Proctor decides she will attempt to dry out the compound thinking that Will Jackson is the 'dirty officer' but learning that it is Jake Stewart in the end.

Proctor battles another monster from her past with Marie Winter when Marie is arrested and sent to Wentworth it is clear that a side must be chosen and several people fall to Marie's side, with Kaz all but making her mind up. After the death of Sonia Stevens, Kaz has nothing left to lose.

After talking with Greg Miller saying she refused to be the victim anymore, Kaz is murdered by Sean Brody when she figures out that Marie is blackmailing the Attorney General. Kaz dying alone on the prison floor writes "M" on the floor in her own blood.

Before Wentworth[]

Kaz is introduced as one of Bea’s supporters and is in a vigilante group called The Red Right Hand. Kaz's main storylines have centred on her idolism of Bea Smith and being a vigilante against men who abuse women.   

However, since showing an appearance in Series 3 Episode 12, Blood and Fire, she has a growing hatred towards Bea Smith since being used by her to get information on Nils Jesper.

Time at Wentworth[]

Kaz thought Bea shopped her and her ally Allie to the police, only to later discover that it was actually the inmate she had seen as a friend (Ferguson).

Recently, Kaz has taken over the job as Top Dog when Bea walked away from the position in the episode 4x11. Kaz does not want anyone to act violently as one of her rules as top dog. She loses the position for good when Ferguson is voted in as top dog. She becomes top dog again during the Kangaroo court. 

During the first part of season 5, Kaz thinks that Will Jackson is the screw involved with drug trafficking in the prison (while actually, it is Jake Stewart) and does everything in order to discredit him and have him thrown out of Wentworth. Things will change drastically after Proctor has her life saved by Jackson in a van road accident; after that, she will start to trust him and together they will collaborate in order to find out the truth and solve the issue.

Despite her usual no violence stance, Kaz has been shown to be violent on occasion. She attempted to kill Ferguson by pushing her into a deep fryer after discovering it was her that shopped Kaz and Allie, not Bea. While not successful, Ferguson's arm went into the fryer, which caused permanent damage. She again attempted to kill Joan in the Season 5 finale, but Joan had already escaped the prison and later was buried alive.

In season 6, Kaz tries to look after the women as best she can but tries to protect Liz the most after she is diagnosed with early-onset dementia and also has to deal with Sonia being around as a result. Kaz protects Liz from being harmed on the prison roof, and takes out Sonia as a result by pushing her off the roof, Kaz is sent to the slot and is released an episode later, but the war between Marie and Kaz escalates, to the point Kaz poisons Marie's gear and the two take it out in a shiv fight in Indelible Ink, but again Kaz gets slotted.

Season 7[]

In episode one Kaz learns off of Linda Miles that Marie has received 15 years and she is trying her best to look after a deteriorating Liz. Kaz alongside her crew welcome Marie back to prison, alongside Allie who has sided with Marie, Kaz tells Marie to stay away from Rita. Kaz also manages to get on the bad side of druggie inmate Kylee Webb who attacks her but fails to harm her. Kaz is later seen at Rita's wedding in the visitor's centre.

In episode two Rita and Kaz make an alliance to kill Marie by getting chemicals from the kitchen, laundry and garden to build a fire bomb. Allie saw them mixing chemicals and tells Ruby that they should back off, Ruby checks it out and eventually convinces Rita that even if Marie killed Ray killing her wouldn't help. Marie can't get any more gear cause Vicky's stash got flushed by Kaz, she eventually manipulates Allie into getting it in for her. Allie brings in it by after seeing heroin wants a hit herself so starts heating it on the stove, Kaz walks in and stops her, Allie complains about how Kaz left her astray, but Allie betrayed her earlier. Kaz realises Allie won't be able to resist going without heroin with Marie around and finally takes revenge on her. She walks towards Marie's cell with a chemical fire bomb, rolls it through the door and when Marie realises, slams the door shut with a door jam. Marie sees the flame about to blow her cell explode and she is taken to medical.

Ep 3[]

Kaz Allie Flashback

Kaz helps Allie in withdrawal during a flashback

Kaz is in the slot, as she has a flashback to when she was helping a drug riddled Allie, she helps her as Allie doesn't want any help, but Kaz stays with her and even watches over her while she sleeps. Kaz looks on while in the slot with some regret, as the police collect evidence of what happened.

In the slot Kaz is sitting there as Vera asks what the hell happened, Kaz says that she was trying to protect Allie and Vera says that she must've realised that she took it too far, Kaz says that Marie is a cancer, and Vera says that she wants her to see Greg Miller, Kaz says that she is fine and doesn't want to speak with a shrink and Vera retorts that if she wants to stay in the slot that is what is going to happen. Kaz then asks why hasn't Will come to see her yet and Vera says that Will has been busy and doesn't want to see her. Vera leaves the slot.

In the slot, Kaz does pushups as Will comes in and Kaz asks why he hasn't come to see her, Will says that she is staying in isolation, Kaz says what and asks why. Will says it is for everyone's safety, Kaz then says that Marie is bringing the drugs in, and Will says that they found no drugs and Kaz says that she flushed them and Will says that he doesn't believe her. Kaz asks when has she ever lied to him and Will brings up that they were supposed to be working as a team to make the prison safer for the women and asks if she remembers that and Kaz says that she does remember and that is what she was doing and she just lost her head. Will then tells her like she did with Sonia Stevens, and says that she was lucky that Marie was able to smother the blast and if she had died, Kaz says that Marie is going to keep on using the women as drug mules before he can do anything about it. Will then yells at Kaz to stop and says that Marie didn't throw a prisoner off of the roof or throw a bomb into her cell. Will tells Kaz that she needs help because he is considering putting Kaz into the psych unit. Kaz says that she isn't crazy as Will leaves and as he locks the door Kaz tries to speak with him but the door is locked and he leaves, Kaz swears.

Kaz is in Miller's office as Greg takes his watch off and the two begin therapy. Greg asks Kaz why she did what she did to Marie and calls her Karen, Kaz says that it is 'Kaz'. Greg asks why she attacked her and Kaz says that Marie is poison. Kaz explains that Marie got Allie hooked on drugs and will again. Greg says that she must care a lot for Allie and Kaz nods, as Greg asks why she responded with violence and asks if she thought the staff would be unable to help, Kaz looks on.

In Greg's office, Greg is writing down notes as Kaz asks what is he writing and he says that he is taking down notes about the things they have discussed and he then asks Kaz if she would like some tea, Kaz says no and wants to know why she is there again. Greg says that there is a reason and a knock on the door is heard, Miller tells them to come in and it is Linda with Allie. Allie looks shocked and asks 'what is this' as he tells her to take a seat, Linda looks at Allie and said that she heard him. Miller tells Linda to go and she does. Allie sits down and Greg says that he wanted to give them both an opportunity to talk on what happened the week before. Allie says that she has nothing left to say to Kaz and attempts to leave as Greg says to sit down again and Kaz tells her that Marie is leading her down that path again, Allie calls her a broken record and Kaz says that she needs to learn to grow up, Allie then says that Kaz has never given her the chance to grow up, Allie then says to Kaz that she is glad she is finally seeking help as she really needs it and says that she wants nothing more to do with her, Allie leaves as Kaz realises that she has lost more then she knows. Later when she is back in the slot Kaz thinks about what was being said.

Kaz is sitting in Greg's office as she watches the rain and Greg getting files, he sits down as Kaz says to him that was a nice stunt he pulled yesterday and if he got what he wanted. Greg says that he was trying to make a picture of Kaz and yesterday was apart of that. Greg says that he had a read through Kaz's file and mentions the Red Right Hand, Sonia's murder and what happened with Marie and he says that Kaz protecting vulnerable women is important to her and asks her why that is. Kaz doesn't answer and he asks if Kaz identifies with the women she decides to protect and asks if she has ever needed protection herself, Kaz says she did from her father as he had abused her, Greg asks in what way, and Kaz says every way. Greg says that he is sorry to hear that and asks how she thinks it effected her, Kaz says that he is the expert and he should tell her. Greg says that victims can respond in various ways and asks if the Red Right Hand was that thing that Kaz was seeking and she says maybe it was and asks if it was empowering the women she was trying to help and Kaz says yes as Greg asks if any of the people expressed gratitude over it and Kaz says most of them did and Greg asks about the people who didn't need help and asks what she felt then, Kaz says nothing and says that she thought that she was doing the right thing, Greg then asks if it was every instance and Kaz says she doesn't want to talk about it, Greg says that it ok as Kaz takes a drink of water. Greg asks Kaz if she believes that her behaviour of her beliefs was the reasoning behind attacking other women and landing in Wentworth and he asks Kaz if she thinks her beliefs have served her well, Kaz looks on thinking about what he said.

Kaz is in Greg's office where she is looking at the statue of a Buddha. Kaz asks Greg if he is a Buddhist and he says that he isn't but he does find that the philosophy does help during therapy. He tells Kaz before she came in he tried to kill a fly and during the night he sprayed a spider and didn't even try to put it outside and he says that he doesn't know what that would do for his chances of reincarnation. Kaz says that she doesn't know where it would leave her. Greg asks Kaz if she ever wanted a family and Kaz says that she did for a while, Greg asks Kaz if she knew that Marie lost her son. Kaz puts her cup down and says that she knows what he is trying to do he is trying to humanise her. Greg asks if she believes that Marie isn't vulnerable. Kaz says that Marie is a predator and Greg says that Allie doesn't seem to thing so and Kaz says that she is being manipulated by Marie. Greg then says to Kaz that if Allie wants to make that choice it is up to her even if it a poor choice, Greg asks Kaz if she believes that Allie and her are equals, Kaz says that they are before Kaz says that she needs a minute. Greg says of course as Kaz takes in everything that has just been said Greg asks Kaz one more question, if she regrets what she did to me, Kaz looks up at him upset.

Kaz says sorry

Kaz tells Will she is sorry for everything

Kaz is sitting in the slot, as Will comes in and Kaz says that what he said to her hurt her, Will asks if she wants an apology and Kaz says no because she needed to hear it. Will asks what does she want and Kaz says that she doesn't want him to hate her, Will scoffs and says even though he is a man, Kaz says that it is different with him as Will looks on, Kaz says that she has been on a treadmill for so long it has taken away any chance of living a normal life. Will says that she made choices and Kaz says those choices have been some really bad ones and Kaz says that she is doing the things that she hates and she says that she doesn't want to be that way anymore and she apologises to Will. Will looks on at her, knowing she is genuine.

Kaz is released from the slot and she reunites with the Red Right Hand members as they make their way to the corridor, Allie calls out Kaz's name and they stop, Kaz nods and they all move away. Allie says that she must have wowed the shrink to be let out already, Kaz says that she had no idea that was going to happen and Allie says that she doesn't care about that and says to her if she remembers the guy they got the wrong intel on, Kaz says that she can't forget and Allie tells her that the person's sister Narelle Stang is in H1. Allie tells Kaz that she doesn't believe that Narelle thinks that they are involved, Allie says whatever she does to not mention the crew, Allie walks away as Kaz is haunted by the past.

During the night as Liz, Ruby and Boomer are sitting down, Narelle asks Liz if she is ready, Liz introduces Narelle to Kaz who is walking back into the unit, as Narelle says that she heard that she tried to blow someone up and says to remind her not to piss her off. Kaz sits as Narelle massages Liz's legs and Liz feels it working and says that it is good. Narelle says that she does it for her brother and Liz says if she does a lot for him, Narelle says that she does a lot of things for him as he has an ABI, Boomer says what, Narelle says it is an Acquired Brain Injury from the 'bitches who bashed him'. Boomer then says that her and Ruby have things wrong with their brains as well and Ruby says that it is the exclusive club and they all share a laugh. Ruby asks what is she in for and Narelle says that she is still on remand and says that she is looking at six to twelve months for a smash and grab that happened over a year ago and says that she doesn't know how as she was wearing a balaclava. Liz asks who is then looking after her brother, Narelle says that her family is but they don't care. Ruby says that if that happened to her mob she would hunt them down and calls them cowards, little do they know Kaz is the one who caused the injury.

Allie is sitting in her cell reading a book as Kaz knocks on the door and thanks Allie for the heads up during the night and says that she had no right to interfere. Allie then tells Kaz that it drives her up the wall when she treats her like a child and says that she thinks that she cannot take care of herself due to something that happened years ago. Kaz says that she is right and she does treat her like a child and explains that it is her need to help save people whether they need saving or not. Allie says that Kaz needs to make peace with Marie because the war between the two of them is making her feel like an outcast to everyone that she cares about, and Kaz realises that Allie feels lost without Ruby.

Vera is in her office, as she hears a knock on the door, Vera tells them to come in and it is Kaz, who says that she couldn't find Will as he isn't in his office, Vera tells the officer that he can wait outside. Kaz reveals to Vera that she would like to make peace with Marie, Vera stunned asks if Miller put her up to it and Kaz says no it is something that she needs to do. Vera asks her what is preventing her from attacking Marie again and Kaz says that Vera will be there, Vera states she isn't really in a position to restrain her and Kaz tells her to bring along two guards she doesn't care because she just has to make peace. As Kaz goes to apologise she sees that Will is with Marie and notices the two kissing and she decides not to go through with the apology.

I Am The Red Right Hand

"I am the Red Right Hand"

Kaz walks through the corridor as she notices that Narelle Stang is on the phone talking to her brother and she says that she will call him tomorrow. Narelle looks up to see Kaz standing there and asks her what is up, Kaz says it was her, and Narelle says what as Kaz reveals that she was the one who attacked her brother and that she is the Red Right Hand, she walks away as Narelle is stunned.

Kaz is in her cell alone and with her thoughts as Liz comes into her cell and asks her if she is ok, Kaz says that she isn't and Liz asks her if she wants to talk about it and Kaz says no. Liz tells Kaz that she is there for her if she wants to talk and leaves the cell, as Kaz alone with everything she has done quietly breaks down.

In her cell, Narelle is reading a magazine as Kaz enters her cell and says that she cannot say how sorry she is for what happened to her brother. Kaz says if she could go back and change things she would do so in a heartbeat. Narelle looks at her as Kaz leaves, she tells Rita that she wants Kaz dead.

Ep 4[]


Kaz leaves a Cryptic 'M' on the floor in her own blood

in episode four Marie tells Will that she needs some muscle while she is in the laundry, but when Kaz tells Will she knows that he and Marie are together, Marie says to Will that they can't speak to each other while Kaz knows.

Kaz has one final confrontation with Marie and says she will tell Allie the truth because she is sick of hearing about Marie's excuses and that she knows who Marie is protecting. As Kaz leaves the unit she is watched by Sean and Kosta who are doing a deal.

Kaz returns from her meeting and sees that Boomer and Ruby are arguing and Kaz tries to speak with Liz but Liz has a psychotic episode and attacks Kaz, Kaz tells the women to call for Dr Miller. Vera who is worried asks if this normally happens, Miller says he'll lower the dose and watch on. Kaz asks Vera if she can stay the night in medical to be with Liz.

Kaz says one last goodbye to Allie and walks down the corridor where she runs into Greg Miller (Wentworth) and he tells her that she needs to come to a session. Kaz sits down for one final session and reveals that she and Marie will never be friends and that they 'work' better as enemies, Kaz reveals she refused to be a victim anymore and that she was proud of the woman that she had become.

When Kaz is walking down the corridor a mysterious attacker appears and slits her throat. Kaz while dying on the floor of Wentworth, alone writes a cryptic "M" on the floor.

Kaz's murderer is revealed to be Sean Brody, who says that he killed her to keep Michael's details about his private life safe.

Kaz's final lines are ''You know I am proud of my achievements and I'm proud of the woman I've become, and I'm hopeful for the future.''


  • At the beginning of season 4 it is revealed that Kaz, when she was a little child, suffered sexual abuse from her own father, but was never believed by her mother; after this tragic experience she decided to take care of underdog and weak women, that is why she founded the 'Red Right Hand'.
  • Kaz is the first inmate in the show to die whilst being top dog. Jacs Holt, Bea Smith and Joan Ferguson technically do not count, Jacs and Joan lost their status as top dog through revolt whilst Bea relinquished her top dog status before they were respectively killed off.
  • The character of Kaz was loosely based on Myra Desmond in Prisoner.
  • In an interview after her departure, Tammy simply explained that Kaz's death was mutual and spoke with the writers and producers after season 6 finished about how to end Kaz's story. Tammy had said that playing Kaz took its toll on her and said she would always FaceTime her son during production.


Wentworth: Season 3
"The Governor's Pleasure"
"3x02 Failing Upwards"
"Knives Out"
"Righteous Acts"
"3x05 Mercy"
"The Long Game"
"Freak Show"
"A Higher Court"
"The Living and the Dead"
"Blood and Fire"

Wentworth: Season 4
"First Blood"
"Poking Spiders"


"Screw Lover"

"Love and Hate"
"Divide and Conquer"

"Panic Button"

"Plan Bea"

"After Life"

"The Eleventh Hour"
"Seeing Red"

Wentworth: Season 5
"The Bitch is Back"

"Nothing but the Truth"

"Loose Ends"

"Belly of the Beast"
"Happy Birthday, Vera"

"The Pact"

"Think Inside the Box"

"Snake Head"
"Mere Anarchy"

"Coup de Grace"
"Hell Bent"

Wentworth: Season 6
Clean Slate
The Boxer

Bleed Out

Winter Is Here

Bitter Pill
The Angel of Wentworth

The Edge

Lovers and Fighters

Shallow Grave

Indelible Ink

Wentworth: Season 7
Blood Wedding




Bad Blood


Under Siege Part One
Under Siege Part Two

Wentworth: Specials
"2x00 Look Back At Wentworth"
"Wentworth VS Prisoner: Family Feud"
"7x00 Behind the Bars"