Prisoner Cell Block H Wiki

"Fuck you Ferguson."

Jessica Warner (9 July 1995) was a former prisoner at Wentworth Correctional Centre.

Jess before her arrest was working as a baby sitter until she was arrested for suspected infanticide meaning her file was marked "Governor's Eyes Only".

Jess manages to manipulate Doreen and Liz, until everyone realises that she isn't the person they all think she is.

Jess is killed during Ferguson's downfall as she attempts to smother Josh. Jess' body is burned in the fire.

Time in Wentworth[]

Season 2 ep 4[]

Jess was sentenced to 5 years in Wentworth for assault.

Jess in admissions

Jess in admissions after Will tells her to calm down

Jess arrives at the prison in a brawler with Kat and Maxine Conway as she is taken away for processing. Jess is in admissions and she is highly upset as Will tries to take her details and gets her name and her date of birth as 9 July 1995. Will notices that Jess is shaking and asks if she wants a blanket and Jess refuses one by asking Will not to leave her. Will asks if Jess has a next of kin and Jess becomes incredibly distraught, Will makes a call to medical and asks them to come as Jess may need sedation. Will walks over to Jess and tries to talk to her and Jess says that she is really scared and that she didn't do anything. Will tells her that she needs to calm down and if she doesn't he'll have to get the doctor. The doctor stands in the doorway with the injection ready but Jess looks at it and says that she is fine now and Will sends the doctor away. Jess then says that she didn't expect someone like Will to be there and she realises that she can't get away with crying in that moment, Will walks back over to his paperwork and asks again for her next of kin.

When Bea is trying to find out some information from Linda about the new inmates, Linda reveals to Bea that Jess is in for assault but she has a previous conviction and Bea asks what it is and Linda says that it is marked 'Governor's Eyes Only' meaning only the Governor can see the original charge

Jess reveals why she is in wentworth

Jess is threatened to reveal why she is Wentworth by Bea who asks her if she knows the Holts

During the night Bea quietly goes into Jess' cell and covers her mouth and tells her to 'shh', Bea gives Jess instructions and tells her to be quiet, sit up and answer her questions or she is going to put a bullet in her head. Bea asks her if the Holt's sent her, Jess says that she doesn't even know who the Holt's are. Bea then asks her what is so secret about her file that it is marked for the Governor's eye only. Jess reveals that she had a previous conviction for killing a child. Bea says that must be a load of bull as she would already be in protection or dead and Jess says that they found the real killer. Bea then asks what she is in for now and Jess says she is in for self defense because the husband was going after her. Bea realises that she is telling the truth and leaves, Jess breaks down afterward.

Rest of the season[]

Whilst in prison, she seemed to take an interest in Matthew Fletcher. Jess helped Bea get Fletch's security card by seducing and having sex with him in the prison showers when Bea planned her escape..

She also took an intense interest in Doreen's baby after finding out that she was pregnant, showing jealousy towards other people close to Doreen including Nash and Liz. She sabotaged Liz by planting alcohol under her pillow so Doreen would distrust her and make Jess alternate career for the baby instead of Liz. She later made several attempts to have the baby taken away from Doreen, trying to convince the nurse that Doreen is not fit to be a mother, and slipping illicit drugs into her tea.

During the season 3 finale, Jess comes up with a plan to take Doreen's baby from her while she sleeps in a medical holding cell after Jess dosed Doreen with drugs. When Josh goes missing Jess kills an officer and takes Josh into the depths of the prison. Warner is strangled and killed by The Governor Joan Ferguson after Warner took Anderson's baby, causing a lock down, she tries to smoother the baby, but before she can do so, Joan arrives and demands Warner to put him down while putting on her black gloves in an unfit manner which perturbs Warner. Although having obeyed Ferguson's demands, Ferguson, infuriated with her actions, snaps and grabs her by the throat and holds her up from the ground in a stranglehold to asphyxiate her, resulting in her death, Joan then burned her body, accidentally starting a fire that caused an evacuation of Wentworth Prison and which damaged H Block..


  • Jess is a slight remake of Lynn Warner from the original series "Prisoner", both were originally charged with burying a baby alive and got exonerated, although Lynn was innocent of the charges while Jessica was not.
  • Jess' age is revealed in 2x04 The Danger Within as 19 in 2014. She tells Will her birthday is 9 July 1995.


Wentworth: Season 2
"Born Again"
"Whatever It Takes"

"Boys In The Yard"

"The Danger Within"

"Twist The Knife"
"The Pink Dragon"


"Sins of the Mother"

"The Fixer"
"Jail Birds"

"Into The Night"
"Fear Her"

Wentworth: Season 3
"The Governor's Pleasure"
"3x02 Failing Upwards"
"Knives Out"
"Righteous Acts"
"3x05 Mercy"
"The Long Game"
"Freak Show"
"A Higher Court"
"The Living and the Dead"
"Blood and Fire"
