Prisoner Cell Block H Wiki

Blackmoor Prison was another prison often mentioned in the show, and even seen when Rita Connors was transferred there in Episode 665. Blackmoor was sometimes referred to as "The Black Hole".

Blackmoor was governed by Ernest Craven, who would regularly set up opportunities for prisoners to fight, and for officers to lay bets on the results. The top dogs at Blackmoor are Roo Morgan and Rita Connors.

Blackmoor in 'Prisoner'

  • First mentioned by Ann Reynolds who describes it as a new prison (439)
  • Margo Gaffney is transferred to Blackmoor (448)
  • Joan Ferguson suggests transferring Marie Winter to Blackmoor (468)
  • Officers at Barnhurst, Woodridge and Blackmoor join the officers' strike (475)
  • The women hear Marie Winter has been recaptured and sent to Blackmoor. Joan contacts her friend Cynthia Leach to "have a word" with Marie (479)
  • Meg Morris tells Ann Reynolds about Joan's friend Cynthia Drewin, now at Blackmoor. (481)
  • Reb Kean is sent to Blackmoor (506)
  • Lou Kelly is threatened with Blackmoor (518)
  • Lou Kelly refers to "Blackmoor, where there's no fellahs", but it is a mixed prison when Rita Connors goes there later (522).
  • Joan Ferguson contacts Cynthia to get her to heavy Reb Kean at Blackmoor (525)
  • Ann Reynolds threatens to send Myra Desmond to Blackmoor after she framed Joan Ferguson for Lou Kelly's bashing (535)
  • Ann Reynolds threatens to send Myra Desmond to Blackmoor again (544)
  • Inspector Grace tells Ann that Ruth Ballinger has been sent to Blackmoor (553)
  • Joan Ferguson contacts Cynthia to get her to heavy Ruth Ballinger at Blackmoor (554)
  • Reb Kean is transferred from Blackmoor (577)
  • Joan Ferguson humiliates Lou Kelly and threatens to send her to Blackmoor and have her friend Cynthia to look after her (605)
  • Janet Williams is transferred back to Wentworth from Blackmoor (613)
  • Ann Reynolds warns Rita Connors that she is in danger of being sent to Blackmoor (664)
  • Women from Blackmoor are transferred to Wentworth after Rita Connors burns it down and two of them end up in H Block; Spike Marsh and Brumby Tucker (668)

Behind The Scenes

Blackmoor was in reality, the pumping station at Scienceworks in Spotswood, Melbourne. Since it was shown on Prisoner, the building has undergone a big clean up and fix up.
