General |
Vera and Will want to bring down Dr Miller, the only way is to use Allie. Rita and Marie make an alliance to figure out what Lou and Judy are planning.
Will and Vera's plan to sack Greg Miller is put into place when Allie agrees to it and sees him and Allie tells him she has been feeling down since her injuries, Bea's loss and so much more, Allie kisses Miller which Vera watches on the monitor and later Will tries to sack Miller over it but he cannot since Greg has said that Allie cannot be used like this.
To make matters worse the officers are called the showers where Allie is threatening to shiv herself. Will and Vera watch on as Allie stabs herself in the legs and the guards try and stop her. Miller later tells Vera that Allie is most likely suffering from PTSD after the accident, Kaz's death and Bea's death.
Vera and Will talk and say that they cannot continue this plan to get rid of Miller, as they created a monster in their revenge plan.
Rita fears that her past may be revealed now that Marie knows it.
The slammer cam is finally found when Gavin and Boomer have a conjugal.
The police take Gavin away after Judy and Lou's conversation was recorded and reported to the NSO.