Marie loses support as Linda struggles with her debt as Liz sees her son for the first time in years.
During the night as Linda goes around on night shift, Marie is awake in her cell, where she is looking around, she gets her folder out and opens it and sees the evidence that the Attorney General Michael Heston is a pedophile and as she looks through the photos she realises that she can blackmail him.
Vera walks into Will's office and says that the hospital just transferred hospital papers over and Will just dumps them in front of her. Vera says to Will that how long will he sulk for as it has been 'weeks'. Will says that Vera took a murderer out of the prison and Vera says that she knew it broke protocol and says that she thought him of all people would understand. Will says to her that she went behind his back and had it been anyone else he would've fired her. Vera then says the only people who know about what happened her herself, Will and Connors. Will doesn't say anything else but Vera leaves the office as Will looks on.
Rita is walking down the hall as Vera stops her, Rita asks how her "Little Sugar Ray" is doing and Vera says that she is kicking up a storm. Vera then tells Rita that Ruby is coming back from hospital as the transfer papers had just come through and says to Rita that the hospital also found something else.
Rita goes to see Allie and asks if she has known Ruby to take the drug Rohypnol, Allie says no and asks why, Rita then says that the hospital found traces of it in her blood. Allie then says that Marie may have done it when she put herself in medical, Rita asks why she didn't tell her earlier, Allie says that she got Marie slotted and thought she had dealt with it. Rita walks away furious.

Rita tells Marie to back off
Rita goes to the yard and she confronts Marie and says that she wants to say thank you. Rita tells Marie that the drug she gave Ruby helped slow the bleeding down in her brain and saved her life. Marie says that she is glad Ruby is ok and says that she knows nothing about it. Rita tells her to now leave Ruby alone or Marie and Danny will be meeting up sooner then she thinks.
Greg is walking down the corridor as Vera sees him and asks how everything with the board went, Greg tells Vera that he has to stop Liz's meds and that he was lucky that he didn't have to shut everything down completely, Vera is saddened by this news.

Greg says he is sorry for Liz
Liz learns from Greg that her drug treatment is being stopped and she asks why would you stop something like that if it is helping someone and asks him if he told them that he lowered the dosage and nothing since has happened, Greg says that the board are pencil pushers afraid of losing their jobs and he says he is going to try every alternative possible for Liz. Liz then says that she was finally thinking clearly now she has to go back into her muck ridden mind, Liz asks Greg how soon will her symptoms come back again, Greg says that it is hard to tell that she may have a few days or a week. Greg apologizes to her and Liz says that she is sorry as well.

The names "Jane" wrote down
Rita goes to medical as the nurse is trying to write names down on a clip board and she asks if Rita can come back later, Rita says all she needs is a dressing change, the nurse "Jane" sighs and tells her to sit down. As Jane prepares Rita notices small little things and when she forgets to glove up Rita tells her that she might want to do that Jane does and says it was just a 'brain fart'. Rita asks her if the agency has kept her busy and she says as Rita asks where Nurse Shen is, Jane says that Shen had her car stolen and RIta says that is a tough break. Jane finishes up and Rita says thank you and as she leaves she calls her "Jane" to which she doesn't reply to. Jane continues writing a list of inmates including Marie.

Linda's bet loses
Linda is in the staffroom listening to a horse race on her phone and the horse loses, she swears as she gets up to leave, she is asked by Jake if she is ok and she doesn't respond to him but responds to Sean and swears at him before walking out. Sean laughs as he says it isn't his fault Linda is a saw loser and Jake just stares at him.
Liz is in her cell as Boomer comes in and tells her to smell the bottle that she found and says that she knows how easy it is to fall off the wagon. Boomer says that she isn't sticking up for her mum this time and goes into her cell and when she comes out, May is taken by Jake who realises that she is drunk and says he has to slot her but the women say that they can look after her, Jake says that is fine but she has to stay in the unit because she can't go to work like that. As Jake leaves he gives Liz a letter, Liz reads the letter and is happy.
In the laundry, the women are getting on with their work as Allie stands up for herself and says that Marie drugged Ruby to get to her in medical and then calls her a snake as Marie says that there is a lot of accusations being thrown around today, Allie then says that she probably also killed Kaz, Marie then says that how could she have done that if she was with her, Allie then says she lied about it to prevent her from being shived. Marie then says she is just upset because she broke up with her. Sean comes in and says Marie is needed in medical for a test and tells Allie to get back to work.
Rita tells Allie that she had guts her doing what she just did and says that something must be going on as when she went to medical before the nurse that was in there gave off 'bad vibes' and that she was pretty dodgy. Rita then says that Marie got drugs in from somewhere and she isn't leaving anything up to chance and gets a guards attention asking her to go to medical, Webb says that Rita looks fine and should go back to work, Rita then makes herself sick much to everyone's disgust and she then says "I told you I was sick" as Webb comes over and tells Kosta to clean up the mess.

Rita rescues Marie from the nurse that tried to hotshot her
Marie hands the 'nurse' a urine sample as the nurse says that she will need to take a blood sample as well and Marie asks 'since when' and she says that it is a new regulation as Marie walks over to the bed, Linda escorts Rita to medical and as the nurse prepares, Linda opens the door and tells Rita to wait, as the nurse cleans Marie's arm, Rita notices the guard outside is being called away and as the nurse moves away the cloth it reveals a needle with something in it, Marie notices what it going on and asks her what she thinks she is doing as Rita comes in to help, Rita wrestles the needle away and it is thrown at the wall as she manages to get the nurse on the floor and holds her until Linda rushes in demanding to know what is going on the nurse lies and says that Marie and Rita were trying to get the drugs and Marie says that false and that she attacked her, Linda tells the officer to slot them both and Marie says 'fuck you.'
Marie is in the slot as she paces up and down when Will comes in and asks what the hell happened, Marie says that she doesn't know because the nurse just straight up attacked her, Will confused says that the police are there and ready to talk to her, Marie leaves the cell to speak with the cops.
Liz is in her unit as she watches Boomer cover May up as May had to sleep of being drunk. Liz spots Jake and asks for him to wait up as she tells him that she needs to see Dr Miller, Jake says that she has already seen him today and he is booked out for the rest of the day, Liz tells him that she needs to see him, Jake asks why and Liz says that her son is coming to visit her and Jake says that is great, Liz then says that it's really not and that some 'asshole' reported him to the medical board for it, Jake asks what if the medication was making it worse, and Liz says that it was actually helping her and she needs a clear mind, Jake clearly feeling guilty cannot look at Liz but takes her to see Greg.

Greg tells Liz that no one must know about what they are about to do
Liz goes to Miller who says he wishes he could help her but the board is breathing down his neck. Liz says that she wrote to Artie because her mind was clear and that is because of the pills helping her have a clear head and that it can't be taken away from her now, Liz then says it is not just about her but a possible cure for dementia and asks if he really wants to give that up. Greg looks at Liz before he goes over to the door to look and he walks over to the cabinet and unlocks it grabbing the medication, Greg tells Liz that no one else can know and she must go to him to get the pills, Liz thanks him.
Will is in his office as Vera comes in and says that Rita has backed Marie's story about being attacked and asks what did the nurse say, Will tells Vera that the nurse had done a runner and says that the police have reviewed the CCTV and identified the nurse as a criminal with convictions for assault and says that they also found a hotshot in medical and says that the nurse was there to kill Marie, Vera then says to Will if he believes that she is just a 'grieving mother' Will looks at her with no idea.
In the slot, Will goes into Marie's cell as Rita watches on from hers, Will tells Marie that she needs to be straight with him and asks why the nurse tried to kill her, Marie says that she doesn't know and Will asks again and Marie says that it may have been a competitor from the outside, Will says that she doesn't have any power on the outside and if they know that she got 15 years, Marie says that she doesn't know again and Will says that she needs to go into protection, which Marie refuses and says what good is she if she is in protection away from her crew and the other women, Will says fine and then leaves with Rita watching on.

Vera learns from Rita that Will has been taking Marie out in the middle of the night to "talk to her"
In the isolation corridor Vera tells an officer that she will take Rita back to her unit. Rita says thanks as the two move into the corridor and Vera reveals that the nurse that had come into Wentworth had been apart of a planned attack on Marie, Rita says that something must be going and that she suggests watching Marie for the mean time and says that there also must be something going on with Will and Marie at the same time, Vera confused asks what she means and Rita says that Will kept coming to the slot to talk to her and says that Allie has also seen Will take Marie out to speak with her, Vera says that isn't uncommon as she is the top dog and Rita tells Vera "in the middle of the night?" before walking away.
During the night, Marie makes a call to Michael and says that his planned failed and she says that if she isn't out of Wentworth in the next 48 hours she will leak how he likes to spend his free time to the entire country and hangs up, calling him a sick fuck.

Rita tells Marie to leave Ruby alone after she saved her life
In the yard, Marie is standing at the wall with her crew nearby as the women hurl insults her way including her being a 'shit top dog' and 'you're dead' as Kosta looks at her, Marie looks around the yard some more as Rita walks over and her crew stands up to face her, Marie says that it's ok, Rita says that she owes her as Marie and Rita talk and she agrees that she does owe her. Marie says that she isn't getting her dirt file and Rita says that she doesn't care about that and says its about Ruby and says that she must now leave her alone, Marie says that they have a deal and Rita says that if she catches wind of anything and Marie says that she knows what she is capable of as Rita smirks and walks away but is stopped by Kosta who asks her why she saved her life.

Boomer and Liz welcome back Ruby after her stay in hospital
In the sallyport the brawler arrives as Ruby is sitting in the back and staring into the light, the doors open and as they open she stands revealing a patch of hair with a scar from her surgery. In H Block Boomer is walking around as she takes notices of Ruby's return by calling her 'Bruiser' and giving her a massive hug, as Ruby jokes and says that Boomer might burst something else with the hug and says that she doesn't care. Liz tells Boomer that the hug is done and to let her go as Ruby is asked how she is feeling, Ruby says that she feels like she has been ko'ed and Boomer says that she will be like Rocky and get on the bag again she knows it. Ruby jokes and says did Rocky have a brain aneurysm as well and Boomer says that he probably did because of the way he talked. Allie comes out of her cell and says hello and says that she is glad to see Allie, Ruby says thank you and says that she is going to go for a rest, Ruby walks back to her cell and closes the door.

Rita tells Ruby that Allie broke up with Marie and saved her life in the process
In her cell Ruby tries to zip up her jumper but realises that she has weakness and looks at her hand as Rita comes in and welcomes her back with a big hug, Ruby grimaces as Rita apologizes as Ruby jokes and says that the drugs they have given her will probably give her more hair and Rita jokes back saying she would look good with a beard. Ruby then feels dizzy as she says that she has to sit down and Rita asks if she is ok, Ruby says yes and then asks why Allie is back in their unit and Rita tells her that Allie broke up with Marie and saved her life in the process, Ruby looks away knowing that would have been hard for her.
Liz is sitting at a table in the visitors centre, as she looks around and when she hears the door open, Jake comes out with Artie and Liz stands up as they walk over to her, Jake says to Liz that Artie is being given the VIP treatment and leaves them to talk, Liz thanks him as Liz and Artie meet for the first time in years. Artie jokes and asks if there are any murderers in the centre and Liz says not that she knows of. Liz looks at her son and says that he is so grown up now. Artie then asks why did she want him to see her after all the time that had past. Liz says that she wanted to wait until he was old enough and says that prison is no place for a kid and that she wanted to protect him and apologise for stuffing things up and says that she is a different person now and that she hadn't had a drink in years, Liz says that she was selfish and didn't know what it meant to be a mum, she tries to hold his hand but he lets go as Liz says that she is very sorry, as Jake watches on.

Jake tells Artie second chances are rare and he has to take it
As Artie goes to sign out of his visit, Jake comes over and speaks to him and he says that Liz was really looking forward to speaking with him and her nerves must of got the better of her, Artie says that they probably did and Jake says that he knows that Liz is a good person and Artie mustn't give up or he will miss the chance and something really great with his mum and as Artie says why does he care, as Vera is listening in the background, Artie is told by Jake to stick it out as he may not get another chance to do so before Artie walks away..
Ruby goes to see Allie who is in her cell as Ruby says hello to her, Ruby says to her that Rita told her what she did for her, Allie says that it was a no brainer and that she wouldn't let Marie hurt her. Allie asks if she wants to come into her cell and sit down, Ruby agrees and sits down as Allie sits down as well, Ruby apologizes to Allie for treating like shit and says that she only broke off their relationship because of the whole Danny situation and thought Allie would tell Marie about it. Ruby tells Allie that she never stopped thinking about her, as the two hold and release hands Allie tells her what she said to her was true and that it made her think about how she doesn't like being alone and needs to be with someone and says that she needs to sort that out. Ruby then says she does need help having to shower and says that the job is open if Allie wants it, Allie laughs and says she can do that for Ruby.

Liz yells at May to leave Boomer alone before pushing her to the ground and threatening to hurt her if she hurts Boomer again
In the yard Boomer is sitting with May as she says that her head hurts, Boomer unsympathetic says that she necked a whole bottle and what would she expect. Liz walks over and Boomer asks her how she went with seeing her son, Liz says that she thinks she stuffed up and Boomer asks if she thinks he will come back in again, Liz says that she doesn't think so and May says that he can probably smell the desperation from Liz and Boomer tells her to shut up and says that the only thing that stinks is May's breath. Boomer and Liz laugh at the joke but May takes off her shoe and starts hitting Boomer calling her "nasty" as she keeps hitting her, Liz pushes her away telling to lay off and May calls Liz a 'demented old cow' and tries to go at her, Liz pushes her to the ground and calls her a bully and says that if she hurts Boomer again she will hurt her. The women cheer this on as Liz takes Boomer back to her cell.
Boomer and Liz are in Boomer's cell after May attacks Boomer with her shoe, Liz is comforting Boomer as Liz tells her that any mother would be lucky to have Boomer as a daughter, as Boomer is being comforted she wishes that Liz was her mum, as Liz says that she can do that for her.

Kosta tells Marie she is going to get 'front row tickets' to her lynching
During the night, Marie is in her cell looking into the mirror as Kosta comes in and tells her that Marie's "star is falling" and that she is going to get front side tickets to her lynching, Kosta prepares to say something else but is stopped when Brody tells her that she will appear in court in the morning as her "hearing" has been brought forward, Marie smiles at this as Boomer walks back to her cell before being stopped by May who asks her to make her a cuppa, Boomer tells her to make it herself before going into her cell, the two sit in their cells in silence.

Boomer tells Liz she deserves to be happy
The next morning Jake walks to the unit and he tells Liz that Artie will be in again for another visit and Liz surprised tells him thank you, Jake says no worries and he walks away. Boomer tells Liz that she knew that he would be back. Liz sits down and wonders what she is going to talk about with him and asks what do teenage boys talk about other then herself, Boomer jokes and says that they talk about either sport or 'finger banging chicks', and Boomer tells her not to stress and to just be herself. Boomer tells Liz that she is a great mum and Liz says when she saw her putting a blanket on May it reminded her of what Artie did for her when he was just a kid, Boomer then asks if she was ever cruel in ways that would hurt a relationship and Liz says no, Boomer then says Liz deserves Artie's visit and she doesn't want to hear her say that she doesn't deserve it.
Linda escorts Marie into the corridor where Marie is told by Kosta that she better get out of there while she still can as Linda pushes her away, the inmates say a lot of remarks about Marie to where Linda tells them to shut up or she will slot them, as Sean closes the gate and they go outside to where Marie is loaded into the brawler and they drive off.
As Liz makes her way to the visitors centre she walks over to see that Artie has come back for a visit. Liz sits down and says that she wasn't sure if he was going to come back after yesterday, Artie says that shit happens and Liz says that it does. Liz tells Artie that he doesn't owe her anything says that if he didn't want to see her again that she would understand. Artie says that his father was pretty pissed off that he had come to see her and said to him that it was his choice. Liz then says she thought about what he said the day before and Liz still believes that prison isn't a place for kids. Liz then says that there was another reason and that was because she felt like she did not deserve to see him and Sophie after everything she put them both through. Artie says that he still has good memories and Liz says that she does as well. As Liz changes the subject and says that she would like to get to know Artie better and asks him if he plays sport and he says no as Liz asks him if he has someone special in his life and he smiles and Liz is very happy about that..
Boomer meets with Greg who tells her that the police are dropping Boomer's charges for shoplifting as they were satisfied that she wasn't aware of what was going on and that the goods news is that Boomer is still on track for parole. Boomer looks saddened as Greg asks her if that is good news and Boomer says that it is but when she doesn't continue on, Greg asks what is troubling her and Boomer says that she has wanted to get out for so long but everyone she knows and everyone that cares about her is in prison except for May.

Linda is left behind as Sean goes to "take care of business"
Sean pulls over to the side of the road as Marie wonders why they have stopped as Sean tells Linda that she needs to get out of the brawler for a bit, Linda asks him why and what is he doing, Sean says that it wont take long but says that if she keeps quit her $20,000 debt will be gone by the end of the day, Linda takes a second to think about before she nods and gets out of the brawler, closing the door behind her as Sean drives off, Marie in the back sees Linda standing outside as she goes further away, Marie goes to her fate.

Heston shows Marie that Rodney is dead and that her plan has failed
Sean drives to meet up with Michael Heston who greets him and Sean says that there is "another officer" waiting down the road, Heston says that they will deal with it and Sean asks about him, Heston walks over to Sean and says that he knows that he will take of him and says that he won't be returning to Wentworth and he then tells him to close the door and keep an eye out, Sean does as he is told and closes the door before leaving. Heston walks over to the brawler door and Marie wanders what is going on and as the door opens Heston says hello to Marie and tells her to get out of the brawler. Marie gets out of the brawler as Heston says that he is sorry that it has come to what it has but Marie has boxed him into a corner. Marie comments that it is unlike him to do his own dirty work, Heston then says that if you want something done right you have to do it yourself and says that it is messy to do so. Marie then tells him if she is harmed in any way that she has instructed her lawyer to release the photos of Michael to the press, Michael then tells Marie that she won't be hearing from her lawyer and he holds up his phone and it shows that Rodney has died from a "suicide", Heston walks Marie over to the sink and Marie says that she isn't the only one with a copy of the photos, Heston says that she is bluffing and Marie says to "try me."
Linda walks back to the brawler as she gets back in she asks Sean what took him so long and Sean threatens Linda and says she must keep quiet, as Sean drives off and they make their way back to Wentworth, Linda goes to open the brawler door and is shocked to see an alive Marie, as Sean walks over and tells Linda to "keep her shit together" Linda continues to look stunned.
Marie, Linda and Sean walk back into the prison as Will comes over and says that he will take Marie back to her unit, Sean trying to hide the fact he almost got her killed says that is fine, as Will walks with Marie he says that he was sorry to hear that her court hearing was postponed, Marie then says that it is fine as court can bring things up again, as they walk off Vera notices the two together and watches on.
Vera is in the security room watching over the footage of H Block of the night Rita told her about, as Vera watches the footage she doesn't see much at first, she sees Linda doing rounds and raised her brows as she can't find anything as Vera then changes the time of the footage and when she finally sees Will taking Marie out of her unit, she realises that Will has become compromised.

Linda's in serious trouble after Sean threatens her to keep quiet
Jake walks into the staffroom and he sees Sean standing over Linda at her locker as she is highly upset, Sean sees Jake and finishes talking to Linda and he walks over to Jake eyeing him up and down before he walks off. Linda tries to close her locker and as she does, Jake asks her if Sean is giving her a hard time and Linda says that she is fine, before she starts to walk away, Jake says that he knows what Sean is like and if she ever needs to talk about it here's there. Linda who is upset thanks Jake and walks away as Jake watches on.

Sean tells Marie to keep calm as Michael has a plan
Marie is in her cell thinking, as she hears the door open, Sean comes in and he looks at Marie before looking around and throwing drugs on her bed, Marie picks them up and throws them on the floor as Sean says "suit yourself". Marie asks what is going on, Sean says that Michael is trying to pull some strings and he should have an update soon, Marie says that it better be a "good fucking update", Sean tells Marie to relax and says that Michael will do what needs to be done and says that his career is the most important thing to him and to believe him on that matter. Marie then asks about Linda and Sean says that they don't have to worry about her. Marie then says that they must be paying Sean a lot of money, Sean asks what, Marie says for his help as Sean reveals that he isn't being paid as Marie asks why he is helping Michael then, Sean says because Michael has been good to him and he is like a father, Marie then says "is that what they call it?" Sean looks at Marie and then walks away.
During the night, Liz is showing the women a photo of Artie Birdsworth and Maddy and says that they have been dating for almost a year, the women are happy and Allie says a year is a long time when you're 17, Ruby says it's a long time full stop as Rita says that they are cute, Allie calls them sweet and Liz agrees, as Boomer says that she would "jump his bone" as the women laugh as Boomer says that he is hot and that Liz should be proud. Liz then says she is ordering Boomer to stay away from her soon while laughing as Ruby points out that it isn't even 'legal' and joke that they don't want to see her back in the prison, as May walks over to the kitchenette Liz notices and walks over as well as Boomer smiles.

Liz tells May to grab the unique opportunity she has in prison
Liz goes over and speaks with May who says that Liz turned her against her, Liz tells May that she did that herself and says that it would be rich of her to talk to her about being a perfect mother, May agrees and says "yeah bloody oath" but Liz says that May has a pretty unique opportunity of having Boomer in prison beside her and says not to waste the opportunity, Liz walks away back to the girls as May looks on knowing that Liz is right.

Sean tells Marie that Michael couldn't pull the strings he wanted so they're going to bust Marie out
The following morning, Sean is on duty and in the halls he calls out Marie's name and she walks over to him where he tells her that Michael couldn't pull the strings he wanted to pull so instead they will bust Marie out of Wentworth, Marie looks on stunned as freedom is just moments away.
- We learn Rodney (Marie's Lawyer) died from "suicide"
- Kate Atkinson as Vera Bennett (Wentworth)
- Robbie Magasiva as Will Jackson (Wentworth)
- Katrina Milosevic as Sue "Boomer" Jenkins
- Celia Ireland as Liz Birdsworth (Wentworth)
- Jacquie Brennan as Linda Miles
- Bernard Curry as Jake Stewart
- Kate Jenkinson as Allie Novak
- Rick Donald as Sean Brody
- Leah Purcell as Rita Connors (Wentworth)
- Rarriwuy Hick as Ruby Mitchell (Wentworth)
- David de Lautour as Greg Miller (Wentworth)
- Artemis Ioannides as Vicky Kosta
- Susie Porter as Marie Winter (Wentworth)
- Anni Finsterer as May Jenkins
- David Downer as Michael Heston
- Louis Corbett as Artie Birdsworth
- Fiona Harris as Jane Bell
- Lucia Brancatisano as Officer Peta Webb