Prisoner Cell Block H Wiki

Tensions between Marie and Rita reach an almighty boiling point, as Will begins his tenure as acting Governor, he calls for senior staff to interview for the job, his choice surprises Vera and Jake when he gives the acting deputyship to Linda Miles.

The tension between Marie, Kaz and Rita reaches boiling point, as Rita puts all blame of Ray's death on Marie's connections.

Rita and Kaz make an alliance to kill Marie by getting chemicals from the kitchen, laundry and garden to build a fire bomb. Allie saw them mixing chemicals and tells Ruby that they should back off, Ruby checks it out and eventually convinces Rita that even if Marie killed Ray killing her wouldn't help. Marie cant get any more gear cause Vicky's stash got flushed by Kaz, she eventually manipulates Allie into getting it in for her. Allie brings in it by after seeing heroin wants a hit herself so starts heating it on the stove, Kaz walks in and stops her, Allie complains about how Kaz left her astray, but Allie betrayed her earlier. Kaz realises Allie won't be able to resist going without heroin with Marie around and finally takes revenge on her, She walks towards Marie's cell with a chemical fire bomb, rolls it through the door and when Marie realises slams the door shut with a door stopper. Marie sees the flame about to blow. As Kaz walks away, we see an explosion in the window of Marie's closed cell door.

After Will becomes Acting Governor, the position of deputy Governor becomes available, both Linda and Jake apply. Will doesn't really think either are suitable but in the ends picks Linda because he cant trust Jake.
