Prisoner Cell Block H Wiki

Time runs out as the police close in on a suspect as the blackmailer is revealed, and Rita crosses the line of no return to protect her sister.


Detectives Collins and Hydari investigate the tipoff which led to the discovery of "Joan Ferguson"

Vera is in her office nervous as Linda is escorting Detective Hydari & Senior Detective Collins to her office and she radios it in confirming that she is escorting them now, Vera thanks Linda as Will asks what the police are doing back and Vera shrugs not knowing, Vera tells Will that he will now have to chair the staff meeting and tells him to go, as he does, Vera manages to take a breath and sit down as seconds later Linda lets the police in as Vera sits down. Vera tells the detectives to take a seat and asks them how she can help, Collins then says that they found a body during the night after a tipoff and they believe that it is Joan Ferguson, Vera feigning shock repeats "Joan Ferguson?" as Collins says that forensics will be able to confirm who it is in the coming days as Hydari places her tablet on the table and says that the body is the same height and in a prison issue uniform and was found in the same box used by Franky who also escaped, Hydari then says that the bloodied scratch marks conclude that she was buried alive and Collins says that the evidence is clear that someone on staff helped her escape and then murdered her, Vera says that is impossible and asks where the tipoff had come from, Collins confirming that it was anonymous and says that all the officers will need to be re-interviewed, Vera says of course and they both stand up and leave, Vera is less then impressed.

Will, Vera and Jake talk as Jake says that they are fucked as Will says that they are if he doesn't calm down and Vera says that they both need to get their stories straight, as Will asks if they know where the tipoff came from. Vera says that it must be the same person who took the photo and says that it is punishment from last night. Jake then demands Vera get in contact with them before they get shopped to the police and Vera angrily says not to tell her what to do, as Vera walks out, Jake looks on and says "now what?" as Will looks at him.


Rita tells Jones and Morelli to drop Boomer's assault charges and to move Ruby out of Wentworth

Rita is talking with Jones and Morelli and says that Marie has a dirt file in the prison and says that if she can get it she they will have her entire network and Jones says good because that was her job and Rita says that she wants a few things done first, Rita says that she wants Boomer's charges dropped on Cherry Li as Drago had done that and wants Ruby transferred out of Wentworth and Jones asks why, Rita says that she wants Ruby out of Wentworth to protect her as she is her sister, Morelli asks if she has had split focus the whole time and Jones cannot believe that Ruby is her sister, and Rita has a go at them and says that they both want the glory and the pay rises and wants them to do this one thing for her.

Ruby is in the yard boxing as Rita goes to Marie's cell to find the USB file, as Boomer asks Ruby when the fight is and Ruby says that it is in a few months, as Rita starts searching for the file, Boomer says that she doesn't know if she'll ever get out thanks to Cherry Li, Ruby then says it wasn't her fault that she got bashed, as Allie walks over and Boomer tells her not to distract Ruby as she has a new bestie and bye, as Ruby continues boxing she gets annoyed and stops as she tells Boomer she needs a minute and Liz takes Boomer away for a walk, as Ruby sees Kosta she calls her over and tells her that for $5k she will fight anyone she wants her too, but doesn't want Rita finding out about it, as Rita manages to find the book but the hiding spot has nothing in it as the door opens to Marie's cell Rita says that she was just returning a book and Will says that she is needed in medical for a drugs test and Rita says sure and leaves as Will then leaves as well.


Kaz learns from Vera that Marie's charges have been upgraded

In her office Vera looks out the window as she hears a knock on the door it is Jake with Kaz and as she says thanks Jake says that the police have asked to use a second office, and Vera says that is fine and to give them what they want as Vera tells Kaz to take a seat. Kaz says that she would rather stand as she has been in the slot for two days, she then asks why the police are there and Vera says that it doesn't involve her and says that she wants to talk about Marie, Kaz says that she wasn't very happy and she'd have to ask her what happened and Vera says was it a fight or a challenge and Kaz says why would she challenge her as she is walking out the door any minute, Vera then reveals that the victim of assault died from his injuries and Marie is now facing manslaughter charges, Kaz shocks say right and that it made more sense. Vera then says that Kaz is good for the women and asks if she has enough support, and Kaz says that she does as she also says that Vera does not want Marie in charge, Vera then tells Kaz she wants to help her if she can.

Vera comes out of her office and starts talking to Will and Vera says that she wants him to release Kaz back into general first thing in the morning, Will asks what about Marie and Vera says that she is going to keep her in the slot, Will says that they don't know who started the fight and Vera says that she reviewed the footage and says that Kaz was defending herself and says that she does not want Marie in charge of the women and if Kaz is let out first she can get some support from the women and she knows where she stands with Kaz. Will and Vera walk past Detective Collins and Vera asks him if has everything he needs and he says yes, as he tells Vera that he has scheduled her interview for the following afternoon and the same goes for Will, as Vera says that they are happy to help, Collins walks back into the office as Will and Vera walk away.


Boomer tells Liz that sometimes the world feels like it's standing still

Liz is in her cell looking at all the things she has collected including looking at Franky's kite necklace, Liz is writing down notes as Boomer asks what she is up to and Liz says that she is writing little notes so she can't forget those memories, as Boomer sits next to her and reads one of them and says 'the women yarn bombed the yard for me..' and Liz reads another one which is 'Boomer tried to get young Joshua to say tits'. Boomer and Liz share a laugh over that one and says that Doreen was annoyed that they tried to teach him that, Boomer says to read another one and Liz does reading the memory of Bea's first day inside. Boomer says that she misses Bea, and Liz says that she does as well. Boomer then says that she misses Maxine, Franky and Doreen and says that "sometimes that world feels like it's moving past me and I'm just standing still.." Liz then says she knows that feeling well. Boomer looks and says that Liz seems normal again and Liz tells Boomer that she is taking one day at a time as she has her good and bad days. Linda comes in and tells Boomer that the governor wishes to see her as Boomer complains and asks if she is in trouble again, Linda says probably as Boomer leaves. Liz closes the memory box and moves it aside as Drago comes in and tells her to give Marie a note, Liz says that she can't do that as it is too late in the day and Drago says to just do it in the morning, and Liz agrees as Drago storms off and Liz takes a second to realise what just happened.


Marie learns from Will that Rita was in her cell

In the slot Kaz is sitting in the cell as Will comes in and gives her the meal, Will then leaves as Kaz says thanks. Will closes her cell door as he goes over to Marie's cell and gives her meal and Will asks Marie if she is ok and she says that she is itching to get out, Kaz tries to listen in on the conversation they are having through the vent, where Will says that Marie should stop trying to pick fights and asks why she did it and asks if she wants to take over, Marie then says that the officers have no idea what is going on and Will tells her to keep her head down as being top dog only invites trouble and says that he will get her out of the slot as soon as he can. Will then goes to leave as he remembers to tell Marie that Connors was in her cell returning a book and asks if she was legit, Marie asks which one and Will says it was the blue chunky one and Marie tells him to forget about it and that is fine, Will nods and says he will see her tomorrow and leaves, closing the door behind him, which Marie pacing in her cells realises that Rita knows.


Boomer learns that her charges have been dropped due to lack of evidence

In her office Vera is texting the blackmailer saying that they win and can they meet to talk, Vera hears the door as Linda comes in and says that Jenkins is here to see her, Vera says thank you as Boomer walks in and Linda closes the door, Boomer says 'yeah' as Vera says that she may want to sit for what she is about to tell her, Boomer sits down as she looks down, as Vera tells Boomer that she has just gotten off the phone with the DPP and the police have dropped the charges against her for the assault on Cherry Li, Boomer looks surprised as she celebrates happily asking what strings did she have to pull for that to work out and Vera says that it was no strings and a lack of forensics, Boomer cheers a "yeah lack of forensics!" so loudly Linda opens the door, as Vera tells Boomer to sit and says that now that her parole is coming up to make no more announcements, Boomer says that there will be no trouble and Vera calls for Linda, Linda opens the door as Vera tells Boomer she can leave as Boomer tells Linda that she is getting parole as Linda mouths 'really?' to Vera. Vera watches Boomer leave and she is happy for her.

Murphy blackmails Vera

Murphy blackmails Vera into giving her $500,000 to keep quiet over a photo

During the night Vera is sitting at her dining table looking at her phone as she walks around waiting for something to happen, Vera sits back down and texts the blackmailer and says that she just wants to talk, Vera puts the phone down as she does a message returns saying that they are at the door, Vera stands up and hesitates as she types the 000 number. As Vera opens the door the blackmailer is revealed to be Brenda Murphy. Murphy sits down on Vera's lounge and she takes off her shoes as she empties the bag of pamphlets on the floor saying that they are for the recycling. Vera questions her about why she is doing what she is doing and Murphy says that she really liked that job, as Vera says that she was terrible at it, and Murphy says that they could've been friends and says it was a pity that it worked out differently. Vera then says is it all for revenge, petty revenge and Murphy says that $500k is not petty and it could set her up nicely, as Murphy asks if she liked the magpie as she had found it in the park, the gloves and the epaulets were 'kack' and she smirks as she reckons Vera shat herself. Vera tells her that she broke into her house, Murphy then asks where the money is as Vera says that she doesn't even have that much money, as Murphy says that everyone knows that her 'bitch mother' left her a house and then Murphy demands that Vera pay up or the photo will go to the papers and the police, Vera then says she will get her what she can as she needs time to get it, Murphy gives her 24 hours and says to her if she breathes a word of any of what is happening Vera is finished and that is also goes for 'Snakey Jake' and 'Dumbfuck Jackson' and says that it is just between the two of them. Vera asks how will she know if that will be the end of it, Murphy says that she doesn't and says that she will see her tomorrow night. Murphy puts her smoke out in Vera's table plant and starts making clucking noises and tells Vera that it is the sound of her chickens coming home to roost. Vera looks on as Murphy leaves.

Rita is in the phone line making a call to the detectives as they talk in code about a "house search" as they say that they will be in touch and Rita hangs up the phone and leaves.

Vera is walking back to her office as Linda walks over and says that the police want to interview her and she asks Vera if she has any idea on what that is about, and Vera says that she'll have to ask them when she is interviewed and then Vera asks Linda to action the transfer papers for Ruby Mitchell, Vera hands over the file as Linda takes it and walks off as Jake asks Vera is she has heard any news and Vera says that she hasn't heard anything and will inform him if she does.

Ruby is boxing in the exercise yard as Kosta comes up and says that fight club is all set for the afternoon as Ruby confirms that she will get $5k, Kosta says that there is some big bets coming in from the outside and that she better put up a good fight, Ruby says that she always does as Kosta smirks and walks away as Ruby continues hitting the bag.

Vera is in her office, as she hears a knock at the door and it is Collins who reveals to Vera that the police have fresh intel, Vera asks what that is and he says that a department vehicle was spotted on a traffic camera the night of the escape and it was registered to the prison. Vera asks who the driver was and Collins says that they are referencing staff rosters and says that the person who did it may have slipped out while on shift and the driver is the accomplice. Collins asks Vera to show him all access logs from the garages, Vera agrees and Collins says that he needs the information now.

Linda reveals something

Linda tells Drago that Ruby received a transfer order from "Outside Corrections"

Linda is in a counselling room watching Drago as she calls out to Drago and as Drago walks over Linda asks her if she is still interested in Ruby, Drago says that she is and Linda asks how interested she is, Drago says $20 and Linda ups to $100, Drago agreeing, Linda then tells her that a transfer application had come through to send her to Barnhurst and it came from outside of corrections "which was weird" and Drago asks when, Linda says that it could be as early as tomorrow. Linda leaves in a rush when she receives a radio call, leaving Drago to realise, when she turns around she sees Liz walking and asks if she had delivered the message for Marie and Liz doesn't know what she means by it and Kaz says her name as Drago walks away and Kaz comes up to Liz and asks what did she want, Liz says that she doesn't know..

In the yard, Boomer is talking with Ruby and says that now that the police have dropped her charges that maybe she can join Ruby for her fight in Manilla and Ruby chuckles at Boomer mispronouncing Manilla and says that she will save her a seat ring side, as Rita comes over and Boomer says that her charges have been dropped, Rita says that she is happy for her. Drago comes out and she looks around the yard as Kosta asks her if she is betting on the fight and Drago asks who is fighting and Kosta says that it is Ruby vs Routh and Kosta says yes as, Drago looks again and realises that something is up.

Vera security room

Vera searches the now non-existent records during Ferguson's escape

In the security room Vera is telling Hydari how to find records and telling her that she needs to go into archives and find cameras, Collins says to go into exits and entrances and Vera tells her to put in the date, start and end time and search, when it doesn't appear, Vera says to let her try as Vera tries to find it as well but can't and Collins asks if there is any back ups, Vera says that there should be, but they aren't there either. Hydari then says that all backup data for that day had been erased and Vera says that it appears that way as Collins asks who else had access to those files.

Will tells Vera that he panicked after Channing came in and he just panicked, Vera asks him if he realises just exactly what he has done as Vera says that the police are now onto them as only senior officers have access to the footage. Jake says that it is circumstantial and the only person with any real evidence is the person who took that photo and says they must stick to their stories.

Drago knows

Drago tells Rita she knows after taking the photo that Ruby had killed Danny

Rita is collecting laundry near the dining room as Allie runs into Rita and asks if she can talk to her about Ruby, Rita says sure as Allie says that she is confused on why Ruby ended things with her and Rita asks if she has spoken with her and Allie says that she tries to but she gives her nothing, Rita says that she is sorry and Allie asks Rita if she can talk to her, Rita agrees and says sure, as Allie thanks her. Rita then goes into the dining room and walks into the kitchen to collect the laundry and when she does, she is grabbed by Drago and then throws Rita into the supply storage room as she demands Drago let her out, but Drago says that Rita thought she was smart trying to get rid of the photo, and reveals that she knows Ruby is the one who killed Danny and now she will kill Ruby for Marie, as Drago slips away, Rita continues trying to get out of the storage room.

Vera rushes home as she is holding the money and is trying to find a place to put it until she realises it is safer to hide it in the freezer. As Vera closes the freezer her phone rings and when she answers it is Jake asking where she is and she says that she just stepped out for a moment and Jake says that the police want to interview all of them after lunch, Vera says that she will be right back and hangs up.

Collins talks with Vera

Collins tells Vera the police have established that a senior officer helped Ferguson escape

Vera returns to the prison as she goes through the visitors centre she sees Detective Collins standing unimpressed as she walks through security where he tells Vera that the police weren't aware that she had left the prison as Vera says that she wasn't aware that she had to tell anyone, Collins tells her that she should tell them her movements from then on and Vera smirking and asks if she is a suspect as Collins looks around and says that the police have already established that Ferguson's accomplice was a senior officer, Vera then says is he accusing her and he says that they can discuss that during her interview and he walks away as Vera shakes her head and grabs her stuff before she checks her phone to the message 'see you at 7PM..' Vera rolls her eyes as she walks away.


Rita calls out to Allie to tell her she is locked in the supply closet

Allie goes to see if Ruby is in her cell and when she isn't there she asks Liz where she is and Liz says that Ruby is getting ready for fight club, Allie runs to find Rita and when she sees the laundry cart outside the dining room, Allie calls out to Rita as she tries to find her, Rita yells out and Allie opens the door and Rita asks where Ruby is and Allie tells her that she is at fight club, Rita rushes off with Allie behind her.

Ruby walks with Boomer to the boiler room as Boomer asks Ruby if she wants juice or water and Ruby says that she is fine and as Boomer says that she is going to smash Routh's face in, as Vicky comes over and says that Routh as pulled out of the fight and she will be fighting someone else, Boomer asks who and it is revealed to be Drago much to Boomer and Ruby's surprise as Drago looks at her, Ruby walks forward and says 'lets get on with it.' Rita catches up and calls out to Ruby as Boomer says that she doesn't want to speak with her as Rita tells Boomer to shut up, as Ruby says that the fight is about to start and Rita says that it can wait and tells Boomer to go away. Ruby says that she wants to fight and Rita says to her "do you want to die" and says that she knows about her aneurysm as Ruby gives a foul look to Allie. Rita then says that Drago knows she is the one who killed Danny and if she goes to fight Drago will kill her, Ruby tells her that she doesn't care and she doesn't have anything to lose, Rita says that she is her sister and she loves her. Boomer yells out the fight is about to start as Rita finally reveals to Ruby that she is still a cop and that she has seen the footage and always knew it was her, she came into Wentworth to protect her from Marie and she cannot go ahead with the fight, Ruby looks on shocked.

Drago prepares to fight

Drago is ready for a fight

Drago is ready for the fight and she has prison issue brass knuckles on, as the women place their final bets on the fight, Drago asks what the hold up is as Rita comes in and says that Ruby is out and Drago is now fight Rita, as Kosta complains that the bets were tabled for Ruby, as Hutch tells them to start fighting, as Rita and Drago start fighting, Rita gets the first punch in landing directly on Drago's nose as the two continue to fight.

Vera talks to cops

Vera talks with Detective Collins on Ferguson's escape

While the women fight Vera tells Collins that she did not help Joan Ferguson escape, as Hydari tells Jake that they are narrowing down their suspect list, and tells Jake that his service record is clear and that speaks for itself but the other senior officers not so much, as Jake is asked what he knows about the escape and he says that he wish he knew, Hydari then asks him what his opinion on Will is as Rita is continually landing punches, Jake says that Will is a good bloke and Hydari says that Ferguson and him have history as Jake responds saying why would he help her and she says whoever helped her probably killed her as Jake says that Will hasn't got the guts to do that and he was on duty with him for most of the day, as Hydari then asks about Vera as they know the two were involved. Rita and Drago continue fighting as Collins says to Vera that she knows the prison inside out and every single staff member and she must have a theory. The fight continues with Rita landing a very good hit on Drago where she then strikes Drago's head on a pipe and the women cheer it on.

Drago fights

Drago and Rita fight to the death

Jake says that Vera had nothing to do with escape. Vera is still speaking with Collins who says that everyone in the prison saw her and Jake during the escape but no one recalls seeing Will, Vera says that the place was pandemonium and it wouldn't surprise her. The fight reaches a climax as Rita and Drago fight some more and end up punching on so badly that Linda tries to get Kosta to stop the fight but Rita gets one above her opponent and gets her in the arm breaking it, as Drago goes to rush outside, Collins again asks if she remembers seeing Will in the hours leading up to Ferguson's death, as Vera is thinking, Collins asks her again, as Vera is about to reply, the alarm goes off and Vera looks up.

Drago is dead

Staff and inmates surround the body of Drago after she is beaten to death

As the fight eventually makes its way into the corridor walkway as Drago tells Rita that Ruby is a coward for not facing up to her own fight as Rita punches her again and Drago falls to the floor as Kosta yells out for Rita to "finish her off" as Drago says to Rita that "Ruby is dead", Linda in the background is trying to stop the fight but the inmates block her way around, Rita snaps and beats Drago to death at the same time that Jake, Vera and Will come and rush to separate the prisoners as Linda rushes over to check for a pulse, there is none, and Linda looks up at Will confirming just by a look alone, as Rita is cuffed by Jake, Vera is checked up on by another officer who helps her up, as Rita is taken away, Ruby looks at the gravity of the situation with horror..


Vera tells Jake that her baby wont be apart of his life

At the hospital Jake is waiting outside the room as the doctor comes and asks him if he is Vera's partner he says yes as the doctor says that Vera has several bruises and a concussion and she says that she would like to keep her in overnight as her main concern was for the baby, much to Jake's surprise the doctor says that she can see her. Vera is lying on the bed in the medical room as her phone goes off and as Vera checks the message it tells her to have the money and that they will be there in an hour. Jakes comes in and he looks at Vera and says that she is pregnant and asks, Vera says of course it is his, Jake is happy and says that he doesn't know what to say and says that it is amazing, and he asks if she knows what she is having as he wants to be a proper dad, Vera says that there no "we" and that she will have the baby on her own, Jake then sits next to Vera and says that she doesn't have to do this on her own and holds her hand as he says that they can be a family a "real family" and he wants her to think about it and says that he knows they can make it work. Vera reveals that she was going to punish the baby for the things that Jake had done and says that she took an abortion pill and she was super close to ending it and she realised it was Jake she hated not the baby so she threw up the tablet, Jake looks on in shock as Vera says that Jake will never be apart of her babies life, a dejected Jake walks out and away, as the doctor comes back into the room as Vera puts her phone in her pocket and says that she needs to go home, the doctor tells her that she can't force her to stay as Vera tells her that she will sign any paperwork she just needs to go home..


Will tells Jake he is done and must own what he did

Will watches on as Drago's body is taken away, as Jake walks to stand next to him as the body goes past them, Will asks Jake if there is any news on Vera, and Jakes says yes, and that she is going to be ok. Will looking defeated says to Jake that he has his interview and Jake tells him to stick with his story but Will says that he thinks he is done and says that the whole mess is because of him and he just wants to own it, tell what he did and that he acted alone, much to Jake's surprise he wonders if it is to protect Jake and Vera and Will says that he is doing it to protect Vera, as Detective Hydari comes out of the airlock and says that they are ready for Will's interview, as Will goes, Jake looks on realising the trouble he could be in.


Channing shoots Murphy claiming he "got the bitch" but realises it isn't Ferguson

Vera is sitting in her dining room as she is looking at the money on the table as she hears a knock on the door and Vera goes to answer it. Murphy stands outside as she has her head turned to Vera in a bun and says that she "wore it especially" and Vera tells her that she has the money and Vera says that she wants a guarantee that this will be the end of it, and Brenda says "whatever you say.." as Vera says that Brenda will get the money when she wipes the phone back to factory settings in front of her, as a shot rings out in the air, Brenda is shot in the side of the head, as the shooter comes out of the dark and it is Derek Channing who is excited and says that he "got the bitch" but when he gets closer a shocked Vera realises what is happening and he realises that the person he shot is not Ferguson and he realises this and runs away again as Vera kneels down and


Will and Jake plant the evidence in Channing's van as they get away with murder

Detective Collins is speaking with Will where he says that Wentworth is a volatile place and says that he is sure people take and make rash decisions all the time he is sure of it, Will looks on as Collins asks if there is anything more he would like to add on to his statement for Joan Ferguson's escape and murder and he is about to say something when Hydari comes in and says that a report of shots fired as Vera's house has been called in, Will asks if Vera is ok and Hydari says that Vera was the one who called it in, as the two detectives leave, Jake makes a phone call to Vera as Will asks what is going on. Jake asks Vera if she is ok and Vera reveals that it was Channing who shot someone outside her house, Jake asks who and Vera reveals that it was Brenda Murphy who was the blackmailer and he asks where Channing is now on the run with the police looking for him, Jakes says that they are coming over as Vera says that she has to go. Jake gets off the phone and says that it was Murphy and as Will goes to leave Jake says that there may be a way out of their situation, Will asks how. Taking the prime opportunity, Will and Jake plant all the evidence they used including maps, a tarp and shovels in Channing's van.


Jones and Morelli end the undercover operation after Rita kills Drago

Rita is waiting in the interview room where she is still handcuffed and covered in blood. When Detective Jones (Wentworth) and Detective Morelli come in and Morelli looks at her in disgust as Rita says that it was self defense and to get her out of this. Jones asks where Winter's file is and Rita tells them are they listening to her, and Jones concludes that she never had the file and that Rita strung them along in an undercover operation for what, Rita says for her sister. Jones says no way to transferring Ruby out of Wentworth. Rita says that she can still get the file, as Jones says that she murdered an inmate and says 'who the fuck is she' because even he doesn't know anymore. Jones then says that they are calling the undercover operation and finishing it, Rita tries to say that she knows where she keeps it, Jones says that it is too late, Rita says that it isn't and says that if they can get the file back they can blow the lid wide open, Morelli then says that she has been in deep cover to long and has crossed the line and is thinking and acting like a criminal, and Rita is told that they are cutting her loose as she knew it was an off-the-books operation and Rita says that they can't do that and can't leave her there, Jones then says that Rita is now just another inmate, the both leave.

Channing arrest

Channing is arrested for the murder of Brenda Murphy

During the night Vera is at home watching a news report where the reporter is breaking live news on Derek Channing where she reveals that he has just been arrested for the shooting murder of former Wentworth officer Brenda Murphy and he may face further charges for the body found in a shallow grace with police also raiding the fishing shed he had been staying at and the report goes on saying that the police found loads of evidence including finding finding maps, a dirty shovel and newspaper clippings as Vera watches on Will and Jake look at each other realising that they have just gotten away with something huge.

Rita is slotted

Rita is slotted after killing Drago to protect Ruby

As the prison is in lockdown Liz is in her cell as she sees the note that she was given earlier by Drago, as Rita with several officers and Linda are taking Rita to the slot as she is screaming out that she wants the police to come back and that she wishes to speak with Vera with the inmates looking dejected after Drago's death they sit in their units with Ruby watching on as Rita is taken away. Rita is taken to the slot as she is placed in there she is watched by Linda as the door is closed and Rita tries to kick the door in anger. Marie asks Linda what has happened and Linda reveals to Marie that Rita killed Drago and she walks away. Rita stares at Marie who looks at her and she breaks the file in half, as Liz puts the note away in her memory box it says that 'Ruby is the killer..' the prison remains in lockdown.
