Prisoner Cell Block H Wiki

Liz's condition is worsening and is rapidly taking control of her life as Kaz promises Liz she will look after her. As Will comes clean to Vera.


Jake and Will lookout for Ferguson after Vera's house is attacked

Jake and Will drive to Vera's house as Jake gets out and asks where Vera is and Vera says that she is ok as they go into her house as Detective Hydari is bagging up evidence, Senior Detective Collins says that Vera should leave the house for the short term, Vera refuses by saying that it is just Ferguson playing her "fucking mind games". Jake and Will offer to stay there for a few hours but Vera tells them to go as Collins tells her that they will have a car stationed outside. Outside Jake asks Will and Will says that Ferguson is dead as he buried her, Jake gets a message from Turk telling him to call him soon.

The following morning Will is in the staffroom eating breakfast as he is struggling with visions of Ferguson, he eats his cereal as the Ferguson vision asks him if she was buried deep enough and Will says that he wont let her get inside his head, Ferguson says that it is too late and the vision turns the cereal to dirt and Will spits it out and looks around and realises that there is no one in the room until Linda Miles comes in and asks if the milk is off, Will says yes as Linda walks over to the fridge and says that the bread isn't fresh either and the toaster is on the blink and she will just have to eat one of Jake's apples. Will wipes his face as Linda receives a radio call saying that the police are there at the gatehouse. Will asks Linda if that is about Ferguson and Linda says that it isn't and it is for Connors who is being charged with Kosta's assault.

Rita is taken by Linda to see Detectives Jones and Morelli who "informally charge" Rita with Kosta's assault, as Linda closes the door and leaves. Rita tells the detectives that Winter has a 'dirt file' in the prison and they ask her what that is. Rita says that the dirt file is a file with nasty things on all of her enemies. Jones then asks if she is any closer to finding out who is the protector as they themselves are not close, Rita says that she doesn't know as Morelli gives her a look and she tells him not to. Rita says that she will find out who is protecting Marie.

In the yard, Kosta comes over to Boomer and Ruby who are training, Kosta tells Ruby that she wimped out on her but is willing to give her another go, as Ruby tells her that she is retired from fighting, as Kosta says that she is owed a fight between her and Boomer, Ruby says that she is not going to hit Boomer as she is her friend as Kosta says that she has a better option for her and says that she is going to fight Cherry and to be ready. Marie watches on as she sees that Ruby and Allie are hanging out and she says to Rita that her sister seems to have landed on her feet.

In the unit, Kaz and Liz are playing a game of Monopoly as Liz tells Kaz that she is going to tell the kids, she says that she is going to ring Sophie and Artie and let them know, Kaz says that she thinks that is great as they keep playing, Liz says that she may be the one with dementia but Kaz landed on one of her properties. As Ruby and Allie have sex they are about to continue when Rita comes in and Ruby tells her to get out as Rita nods and says that she needs to talk to her. Rita leaves as she closes the door and Liz says 'told you so..'. Allie leaves as Rita comes back in and closes the door and says that Ruby is taking a big risk being with Allie and Ruby jokes and says 'what screwing in the middle of the day'. Rita says that Allie and Marie were former lovers and Ruby asks what the issue is and Rita says that Marie is probably still keen on Allie and says that she doesn't need that, Rita leaves as Ruby looks dejected.


Vera learns from Collins information about one of Ferguson's associates

Vera is talking with Senior Detective Collins and he says that the forensic report that came back was negative for DNA from Ferguson but the boot print is a match for her shoes size. Vera asks if it could be Ferguson and Collins says that he is banking on it and says that they are keeping a watch on her house. As Collins goes to move his paperwork Vera sees a photo of Turk and asks who that is, Collins says that is Gregory Turkell who was paid $90,000 the day before Jesper was killed and before Ferguson escaped, Vera realises that Jake is involved.

Vera's copies

Vera tells Jake that it is all over for him as she made copies of evidence

Jake is walking down the hallway as Vera says that he wants to have a word with him. Vera tells him about Turk and says that he was paid $90k the day before Nils Jesper was murdered and she knows that Jake was in debt to Turk over drugs and asks him what he did to earn that money Vera demands to know if he was the one who killed Jesper and Jake denies it and Vera says that she doesn't believe him, Vera leaves as Jake says it isn't true. Jake walks over to the computer and deletes the evidence of him leaving the prison at the time, when Vera comes back in with a USB and says that she has copies of what he did and says that she will be going to the police and that it is all over for him.

Jake walks to the walkway and when he sees Will he rushes over to tell him that Vera knows, Will says what as Jake says not about what Will did but what he did and that Vera is about to go to the cops and tell them about what he did. Will tells him it's what he probably deserves, as Jake tells Will that if Vera goes to the cops he will take him down with him. Jake walks off as Will walks to the stairwell and realises that he needs to protect Jake.

Will is relieved

Will reveals to Vera what happened to Ferguson

Vera is in her office making a call to Detective Collins office and says that it is urgent and to get him to call her as soon as he can. Will knocks on the door and he comes in. Vera confused asks why Will is there and he says that she can't tell the cops, Vera asks him if he knows what he did and why he is protecting him. Will says he doesn't want to protect him but he has to protect him. Vera furiously tells him no and that he is a murderer, Will tells Vera that he is one as well. Vera looks at him and asks what does he mean as Will reveals that Jake helped Ferguson escape and he was the one who killed her. Will looks at Vera with relief as Vera looks at him stunned.

Vera is in her office with Jake and Will, as Jake says that he found out about the escape first and he told Will and they came up with a plan, he says that they had no idea that Franky was involved and they didn't know whose plan it was and they thought that they had stopped it and they just arranged for Ferguson to go instead. Vera asks Will how he killed her and Will says that he buried her, Vera stunned as Jake explains that he buried her alive. Vera then asks how does he know that Ferguson didn't dig her way out, the boys don't answer as Vera gets a call from her PA saying that Senior Detective Collins is on line one. Vera stands up and takes a moment before saying that she will call him back later. Jake goes to ask something but both Will and Jake are kicked out of her office.

Rita sees Ray in the visitors centre and Rita sees that Ray is eating cheezels and he says that he has been living on beer and kebabs, Rita says that will clog his arteries, the two sit down as Ray tells Rita that he knows he is useless without Rita and he doesn't mean just the cooking but other things as well. Rita asks what he means, Ray says that he wants Rita to make him an 'honest man' and asks her to marry him, Rita says she will give him an answer as Ray says that he is a patient man and says that he will be back in the next day and will book his visit on the way out.

Unpacking items in her cell, Marie sees Drago and says that one of the guards must have a sense of humour as she has been put in Kaz's old cell. Marie asks her how she went with Lukas and Drago says that it is not about Danny but about the rat. Drago says that the call from inside the prison and that it only could've been made after the call to her contact. Drago says why can't she see it was Rita and Marie says that she needs more then her jealously to bury her, Drago agrees and says that they will flush her out.


Will yells at Cherry thinking it is Ferguson

In the dining room, Rita over hears Marie and Drago making a deal that would see the Butchers selling 20kg of gear as Boomer says that she is going to snap Cherry like a twig during fight club the next day, Boomer also says to her that she is going to beat her like 'a sushi roll' and Cherry says that she is Chinese and calls Boomer a "dumb elephant' and as she goes to walk over to put the tray away she runs into Will, who doesn't realize that it is not Ferguson and tells Cherry over and over that she is dead, and as he goes to do something he is stopped by Marie and an entire dining room looking at him, Marie tells him that it is going to be ok, Will looks around and sees what he has done and he leaves as quickly as possible, Linda tells Cherry to clean up the mess as Kaz sits down embarrassed. Rita later makes a call confirming that 20kg of drugs are headed the bikies way.

Outside in the exercise yard, Liz is standing taking in the sun as Marie walks over to her and she asks if she has any kids, Liz says that she has two kids, Artie and Sophie, she says that she doesn't have much to do with Artie but her and Sophie are pretty close, Marie says that being in prison makes you miss them and Liz asks Marie if she has any kids, Marie says that she does a son, and Marie then tells Liz to cherish her family before she walks over to Allie who is eating chips. Marie tells Allie that she thinks Ruby is a good kid and says that Ruby was also at the club the night Danny was killed and tried to ask her but says that Drago was a bit heavy handed. Marie asks Allie to ask Ruby as she wants to find out who killed Danny.


Vera and Will realise that even 'dead' Ferguson is haunting them

Vera is watching the footage of the dining room incident as she says to Will that his behaviour over the last few weeks is now making 'terrible' sense to her. Vera asks Will to help her understand why he did what he did. Will reveals that after the women decided to lynch Joan that was the end of her, after everything that Ferguson had done to the women, Bea, Jake and Vera he refused to let Kaz be the person to take it all on alone as he couldn't live with that. Vera tells Jake that even dead Ferguson is controlling them and if they go to the police she wins. Vera contemplates her reasoning on why she saved Ferguson and didn't let her hang.

During the night, Liz wakes and she walks to Boomer's cell where she confuses Boomer for her daughter Sophie. Boomer tells Liz that it is the middle of the night, as Liz says that she is going to be late for school and she will get her a milo. Kaz walks over and turns the light on and Liz realises that she is in Boomer's cell to Boomer's surprise, Liz apologises to Boomer who says that is fine and Kaz tells Liz to go back to bed and Liz explains that she must've been sleep walking, as Liz moves out of the cell, Ruby and Allie ask if Liz is alright and she says that she is as Boomer says that it must've been the grog that did this to her as she says that Liz thought that she was Sophie, Allie says 'oh no' as Boomer says that it is like her syndrome and things mess with your head.

Ruby is making her bed as she finds photos from her night at the club as Allie walks in. Ruby is furious and says to Allie why are the photos there in her cell, Allie says that Marie wanted her to ask if she could identify anyone that was there at the bar that night. Ruby retorts by telling Allie who girlfriend is she, hers or Marie's and refuses to be near her walking out of her cell into her own. Allie rushes over and says that she wants to explain as Kaz opens her cell door and tells Allie to be quiet, Allie walks back to her cell and she looks over the photo.


Ray tells Rita that both bike gangs are in a truce after a sit down 'weeks prior'

Rita meets Ray in the visitors centre, Ray says after the kiss he just got he won't push things and says that they can just have a chat. Rita jokes and says that once he gets something into his head he can't let it go. Ray asks Rita if she thinks that he is going to get killed and Rita says yes because she still thinks about the bullets that went flying through the bedroom window. Ray tells Rita that issue has been sorted and Rita asks when, Ray tells her that it was sorted weeks ago at a sit down and that the Butchers get "prozzies" and protection while the Conquerors get drugs and gambling. Rita realises that something is wrong and Ray says that there would be no way the Conquerors would break the truce with how much they wanted peace. Rita looks at the time and realises that she needs to make a call.

Rita rushes to get to the phones, as she makes a call to her handlers but it goes to message and leaves the message of 'The Dutchman is no good' and she hangs up the phone, before looking a the clock she goes to make another call but an inmate isn't having it and Rita gives it back, Rita gets her call and she calls Ray who is confused, Rita tells him that of course she wants to marry him but there is something that he needs to know.


Boomer and Cherry fight in fight club

Linda comes out of the showers as fight club starts with everyone watching the fight between Cherry and Boomer. Boomer throws a punch that fails to connect and Cherry kicks Boomer in the back of the leg to where she falls and she hits her head on the sink and falls to the ground. The fight is over as Hutch calls the fight and Linda outside cannot believe it. Ruby rushes over to Boomer and asks if she is ok, Boomer asks if she has won and Ruby laughs.

Jake walks in the brawler bay as he comes up with the idea to face Will. Jake walks into the corridor and walks over to Will and demands that he takes him to see where he buried Ferguson. Will refuses and says that he buried her and left her there, Jake says that maybe he did or didn't or that he made a deal with her, but he wants to see her and again demands to go, Will almost attacks Jake and is stopped when Vera walks by, she asks what is going on and when they don't say anything she tells Will to take the day off, Will declines and Vera says that it wasn't a request, Will walks off annoyed.

Will goes to the staffroom and as he goes to put his belt in his locker, a vision of Ferguson tells Will not to trust Jake as he is playing him and knows that he is falling apart and is trying to pin everything on him so he can get away with what he did. Will snaps out of the vision and he hears Jake's phone go off in the locker, Will opens it and looks at the message which is from Turk asking Jake to come to the shop. Will puts Jake's phone back and he closes the locker and walks away.

Vera is in her office as Will comes in and Vera says that she thought that she sent him home. Will says that he needs to listen to him for a second and says that it could've been Jake stalking Vera, but Vera says that how could he have put the gloves in her house on her pillow without her knowing, Will says that he could've done it earlier or had help from someone, Will then says that he checked Jake's phone and says that he has been getting urgent messages from someone named Turk. Vera realises something sinister could be at play.


Marie reveals to Rita that they set up a fake deal to sniff out a rat

Rita is in her cell as Drago comes up behind her and puts a shiv to her and puts her coat over her head, Marie comes in and tells Drago to let her go. Marie says to Rita that she sees that she told her boyfriend about the drug deal that she overheard, Rita says that she doesn't know what she is talking about and Drago says that she is lying and Marie says that Rita's gang showed up demanding the drugs but there were none because it was a set up. Rita asks why it was a set up and Drago says that it is because Rita is the rat. Rita says that she told Ray because she thought that the Butchers were going to double cross the Conquerers and says that she is sorry that Marie is pissed off but her club and her loyalty is to her club. Drago makes a claim that Rita is playing them and that she is the rat because the cops showed up, Rita playing dumb asks if the cops were there. Rita is then told by Linda to come out and she leaves leaving a furious Drago and Marie behind.


Morelli and Jones have an idea to keep Rita's cover intact

Rita is taken to see Jones and Morelli by Linda, as Linda closes the door to the room, Jones asks Rita what was that, Rita said that she had no other option, and Jones furious says that she sent her bikie mates in to deal with it and ruined a sting. Rita tells them that it was a set up and says that there were no drugs and if they had gone storming in that would of blown her cover and says if they didn't do it then they might've done it when they called her to speak with them. Morelli asks why was it a set up and Rita says that Drago and Marie are sus on her and Morelli asks if her cover is still good and Rita says that she doesn't know, and says that she just needs more time, and Morelli says that they don't have time and Jones tells Rita to leave it with them as they will sort it out.


Turk demands to know why the police are snooping around Jake's $90k payment

Jake drives to Turk's garage and as he gets out to look around he yells out for Turk, who furiously comes out and grabs Jake and points a gun to his face and he demands to know why the police are lurking around and asking questions about the $90,000 payment, Jake says that he doesn't know and Turk says that Jake needs to come up with a better excuse and says that it is the second time he has had a gun in Jake's face, he again demands to know why and out of nowhere he is hit in the head by Will. Turk collapses as Will kicks the gun away as Jake gets up and Will tells him that they need to go, realising that he isn't the blackmailer.


Will says he hasn't been back to the burial site since he buried Ferguson

The following morning Vera is walking into her office as she spots her governor jacket has it's epaulettes on them and she realises that something must be up. Vera meets Jake and Will in the stairwell and she reveals to them that when Ferguson came into the prison as an inmate she taunted Vera and said that she was coming for that 'shiny little crown' and says that she had a private conversation with her about it and reveals to Will and Jake that her epaulettes went missing and blamed it on the dry cleaners, Will says that maybe she told someone about it and Vera says that is possible but the only person she would've of told is Jake. Will is in disbelief as he asks if she thinks Ferguson is still alive and Vera asks him if he has ever been back and he says why would he go back and Vera says to him to make sure that she didn't get out, Will says that the whole idea is 'fucked' and he walks away with Jake and Vera standing alone in the stairwell.

Will is sitting in the staffroom as he hears Ferguson's vision talking to him and she says that he can't trust Vera either as they both believe that he is the weak link and Will says that Vera wouldn't and Will says to her that Vera would never and the vision keeps on repeating that both Jake and Vera will betray him, Will has enough and swears at Ferguson and says that she is dead and that she is 'gone', Will looks as he leaves the staff room.

Will agrees to go to the site

Will reluctantly agrees to go back to the burial site

Will is standing in the yard as Vera and Jake walk into the yard as well. Will turns around and says that he will do it, go back to the site tonight and see if the body is still there. Jake says that he will come as well, and Will says no, Jake says yes and he says that he wont be satisfied until he sees it with his own eyes, Vera says that she needs to see her as well, Will looks at both of them as they look at him.

In the dining room, Boomer and Liz are getting something to eat as Boomer still isn't pleased with the result of losing the fight, so much so that she throws a piece of bread at Cherry Li and tells her that she will keep. As Ruby and Allie talk, Allie tells Ruby that she is sorry for what she did and she only did it because all Marie wants to do is find her son's killer. Ruby tells Allie that she just freaked out and it's ok, as Rita is sitting with Marie as Drago comes in and whispers to her. Marie says to Rita that she is please that Rita isn't the rat, and she respects the loyalty she showed Ray but tells her that she cannot trust her ever again and tells her to move to another table, Rita moves as the mood in the dining room is tense.

Liz Watches on

Liz watches on as Cherry get beaten in the showers

In the showers, Liz walks into one of the showers and begins to have a shower, but she realises that she is fully clothed and as she does she begins to cry as she realises that her dementia is becoming all too much, Liz tries to compose herself as she hears the door open, it is Cherry Li who puts her stuff on the hook ready for a shower, as another inmate leaves, Drago walks in and over to the mirror, as she pulls out a stick and Cherry asks what she wants, Drago tells her that 'this is for Marie' and hits her so hard that she falls into the showers, as Liz watches on in terror as Cherry looks her right in the eyes, she stops moving as Drago finishes the job and she cleans the stick and walks out, as Liz wants to help her.


Cherry Li suffers brutal injuries after Drago injures her in a beating

The prison goes into lockdown and the sirens sound, as Cherry is rushed through the corridors on a gurney with Nurse Shen and Marie following behind. Rita looks on and sees Cherry, Drago comes walking through the halls and she smirks at Marie who realises what she has done, as Rita rushes to the phones and asks "Uncle Frank" what the hell he has done, and he says that he handled Rita's mess and found the rat, Rita is furious and says that she didn't ask him to before he hangs up, leaving Rita looking around.


Vera and Jake hold the light toward Will as he digs up Ferguson's box

During the night Will, Vera, and Jake drive to where Ferguson is buried and move branches and pick up shovels as they dig up the site, as Will finds the box and he is hit by the smell coming from the box. Will gets into the hole and opens the broken bit of the box and the trio are shocked and horrified at what they are seeing as the body is decayed beyond recognition but in a teal prison issue jump suit, Ferguson's body is still there they look on as an unseen onlooker takes incriminating photos of the trio.    
