Prisoner Cell Block H Wiki


In the morning, Marie is talking with Taylah and she asks how the boys are treating her and Taylah says that it is fine as she looks and sees Will, Marie tells Taylah that she will catch up with her and she walks off as Marie tells Will that he almost look human again. Will says thank you and Marie says that whatever that was won't happen again, as Marie asks Will if Kaz is going to come after her after what happened to Ruby as she blames her, Will says that he doesn't even know anymore and he walks off.

Will and Vera are talking about Ruby's scan and Vera tells Will that she wants everyone across it and Will asks her if they can operate on it and Vera says not where it is, as the phone rings Vera answers it and it again is a cold caller as Will watches on.


Linda tells Allie that she needs to stop Ruby from fighting

As Linda is walking through the hallway there is an announcement over the PA about the night lockdown and Linda walks past Ruby. Linda walks into the showers and tells the inmates to move out, as Allie is brushing her hair as, Linda tells her that she heard the announcement and Allie says just to give her a second as she is combing out the knots, Linda notices the last inmate leave and tells Allie that she needs to stop the fight. Confused Allie asks what fight and Linda tells her that Boomer and Ruby are set to fight tomorrow, Allie says that if she wants to fight she cannot stop her, Linda tells Allie that she needs to stop her from fighting but stops herself, Allie wants to know what. Linda reveals that Ruby has a brain aneurysm that was picked up after her trip to hospital and says that if she gets a hard hit to the head it would kill her, Allie looks on in shock.

Jake is putting his stuff in his locker as he asks Will if he is going home and Will says that he isn't and that he is headed back onto shift and Jake asks him if that is a good idea, Will says that it keeps his mind busy as he tells Jake that Vera has had some issues in the last couple of days with people calling and hanging up.

Later Allie visits Ruby and tells her that she cannot fall in love with another woman who has a death wish, Ruby says that she does what she wants and she will fight and she doesn't care if she died. Allie tells Ruby that there is always a choice and says that she wants her to choose her and choose life, as Allie kiss Ruby and the two keep kissing.

Marie and Will after the deed

Marie and Will talk after they have sex in the showers

As Vera walks home from work, she is checking her phone as she looks up and sees a dead magpie at her step as she hears Jake's voice which startles her. Vera asks Jake what she is doing there and Jake says that Will told her about the prowler and Vera points to the bird and Jake says that he will have a look around the house for his piece of mind. Inside Vera is drinking a glass of wine as Jake comes back in and says that there isn't any other signs. Jake tells Vera that he knows that she wont believe him but says that he still loves. Vera comes to the conclusion that Jake is the one doing everything just to get back into her life and Jake says that isn't true and the two argue as Vera slips out that she knew that he was having sex with Nurse Radcliffe and Jake asks is that why she was fired, Vera again tells Jake to get out her house, Jake leaves as Vera tips her wine down the sink.

During the night as Will is sleeping during his shift he is jolted awake and he looks around to see that no one is there and he goes and does a walk around where he goes into Marie's cell. Marie and Will later have sex in the shower block and after they talk, Marie asks Will if he is ok after all that he has been going through and Will says that everything is now fine thanks to her and Marie asks if he has ever done anything like this before, Will says no as Marie says that there was a rumour about Kaz lagging to him and Will denies it.

Marie, Rita and Drago walk into the where Marie yawns and Drago asks if she had trouble sleeping and Marie says that there are lots of things that kept her up as Drago says she slept like a baby and Drago asks Rita how she slept and Rita retorts back "in the same unit as you, with one eye open." Drago smirks at the comment, as Boomer and Kaz are sitting at the table when Liz sits down and asks them where is Ruby and Boomer says that she is too scared to be near her and Kaz asks her that she thought that Ruby was Boomer's friend and Boomer says that it isn't personal and says that she will go easy on her, Boomer then laughs and says 'yeah right.'

As the women leave the dining room and are let out by Will, he talks with Kaz and says that he needs to put their arrangement on hold for the moment and things are getting to dangerous for him and he can't help her at the moment, Kaz tells Will that the arrangement is over as she doesn't need him anymore, Will looks on as Kaz leaves the dining room.


As Boomer is preparing for her fight, Kosta is taking phone calls on the fight as they begin to wonder where Ruby is, Kosta says that the fight has to begin soon as Cherry comes in and shrugs as Hutch says that she'll fight Boomer if she has to and Boomer shuts it down by saying that she will find Ruby and she takes off her hand guards and walks to the unit. Boomer knocks on the door and opens it revealing Allie and Ruby are together, shocked by this Boomer asks if Ruby is going to fight her today and she says no as Boomer walks off, as Liz throws a pillow back into the cell and they thank her.

Marie is waiting in the corridor as she hears Kosta and Boomer argue over the fight that was cancelled, Boomer tells Kosta that Ruby was too busy "bumping uglies" with Allie and she probably wont do a rematch, Kosta walks away as Boomer follows, Marie looks over to Drago speaking with an officer and when she comes out she walks over to Marie with photos, Marie looks at them before they both walk away.

In the unit, Boomer is sitting as Liz is in the kitchenette getting some biscuits, as she walks over and puts them down Boomer takes them, not once but twice as Kaz watches on and Liz getting confused carries the box over as Kaz tells Boomer to put them back while Kaz hints that she wants to speak with her. In her cell Kaz tells Boomer that she is always banging on about how everyone she loves leaves her people like Bea, Franky and Maxine. Kaz then says that Liz is the closest thing to mum she has and treats her poorly, Boomer says that Liz is shit because she is playing mind games with her, Kaz informs Boomer that Liz isn't playing mind games but she in fact has dementia and her brain is dying.


Marie demands answers from Ruby

Ruby is walking as Drago grabs her and says that Marie needs to talk with her, Ruby makes a fuss as she tells Drago to go away, as Ruby is thrown into Marie's cell, Ruby asks if this is about Allie, Marie says that it is not and nods to Drago to close the door. Drago punches Ruby as Marie says to look at the photo again and says that she wants names of the people in the bar, Ruby says that she doesn't know as Drago hits her again as Marie demands to know the people who are in the photos. Ruby is again hit as Marie keeps on demanding to know the names of the people who were at the bar. Rita walks in and asks what is happening, Marie says that Ruby was there the night her son was attacked and that means that she must know something, Rita says that she doesn't, confused Marie asks what it is and Rita reveals to Marie that she is Ruby's sister, Marie asks why she didn't say anything and Rita says that people would use that against her and says that Ruby wouldn't remember as she has a brain injury from a car crash years prior that messes with her memory. Marie relents and says that she believes Rita and tells Drago to untie her, as Rita tells Ruby out of the cell.


Ruby reveals to Rita that she was the one who killed Danny Winter

As Ruby is taken back to her cell by Rita who cleans her up after being bashed by Drago, she checks her ribs and says that they aren't broken. Ruby tells Rita that she didn't know that Danny Winter was dead. Ruby then confesses to Rita that she was the one who attacked him after he attacked and raped her friend Shelley, Ruby says that she confronted Danny and all he did was laugh at her, Ruby says that she lost it and hit him then running off. Ruby reveals that she didn't even know that Danny was dead or who he was as she just thought he was some creep. The two embrace as Rita tells Ruby that she will be there for her, but she cannot tell anyone what happened or repeat it to Allie as she is way too close to Marie. Rita makes a promise to Ruby and says that she will protect her and that is her promise to her.

Marie apologises for Drago

Marie apologises to Rita for Drago's actions

During the night, Marie is in her cell looking through the photos from the bar on the night her son was attacked. Rita knocks on the door and Marie looks up and asks how Ruby is, Rita doesn't really say anything as Marie apologizes as Zara got a bit out of hand, Rita then asks if they are good and Marie says that they are fine. Marie says that information is power and she tells Rita it is how she has a lot of enemies, Rita asks if she has something like a dirt file on people and how she controls them. Rita leaves as she walks past Drago, Drago tells Marie that she still doesn't trust her, Marie says that she isn't interested and says that the only thing that matters is finding the person who killed her son.

Ruby is lying in bed as she is thinking about something, but as she turns around Allie is asleep in the bed as well, Ruby falls asleep next to Allie.


Liz realises that she is in trouble with her dementia becoming worse

Liz is in her cell doing some yarn work as Boomer walks past and pops her head into the cell and gets her attention by saying that Sonia knows that she was Witness X, Liz retorts by saying that "Sonia's dead ya fat cow" and Boomer nods as Liz says that Sonia took her for a ride as well, Boomer says that she knows and she leaves as Liz sighs and lays her head back to the wall.

The Gloves

Vera receives a present on her pillow

During the night, Vera is getting ready for bed, as she turns the light on and looks around her bedroom she goes back into bed where she is then startled by a brick being thrown through her window. Vera rushes outside where she yells out that she knows that "Jake is there", Vera makes a phone call to Will and says that she believes that Jake is her prowler, Will questions it until Vera says that Jake threw a brick through her window and Will says that is impossible since he is standing with him at work, Will tells Vera to get back inside and they will go to her. As Vera goes back inside she locks the door and she walks back to her bedroom as she spots a shoe print on the floor she kneels to check under the bed and sighs in relief when there is nothing under the bed, when she gets up she is stunned when she sees a pair of Ferguson's gloves on her pillow.

