Prisoner Cell Block H Wiki

The women frustrated with Kaz's lack of action turn on her after Ferguson takes out the trash.

Ferguson is seen getting her teeth worked on as she also speaks with Jake about Vera, Ferguson tells Jake that he needs to manipulate her enough that she relies on him for emotional support and then Ferguson can come in and take away her power and it can install Jake as Governor. Vera is getting ready for bed as she brushes her teeth and goes through her night routine as Ferguson tells Jake that Vera fears one thing living in her 'perfect world' is turning into her mother.

As the women are in the dining room Kaz refuses the help of one of her allies when she is grabbing her meal. Joan sits with Lucy's crew as Doreen says to Liz that Kaz can't let Joan sitting with Lucy's crew slide. Kaz walks over to Joan and says what is she doing, Joan says eating and Kaz tells Joan to move to another table and that the order was Ferguson was invisible. Boomer brings Sonia in to the dining room where Lucy insults Sonia by calling her 'Greta Garbo' and Liz says that Sonia looks good in the teal, Sonia says it was just easier to get into, Kaz asks her how long she will be out of action for and Sonia says her ACL is gone and her ankle ligaments are gone too she jokes and says 'she hasn't got a leg to stand on'. Lucy when Liz goes to get Sonia's eggs breaks her tooth on a bit of bacon and spits blood on the food, Boomer calls her sick and Sonia says she isn't hungry anymore.

Will tells Vera that Kaz may be losing the women as the grumblings are getting louder and louder Vera says it starts with just that. Will says that even Bea bashed one or two inmates and that's what the women are used to, Vera says she would rather deal with Kaz's method as it more about protection. Will leaves as Jake comes into her office and says that a 'little birdie' told him her birthday is coming up soon. Vera tells Jake she doesn't celebrate them and she means it, Jake then says he has to give her a present in return by letting him move in he tells her no pressure and Vera says she'll have to think about it.

Franky walks down the halls and she spots that Allie has done a drug deal with Tina, and Franky follows Allie back to her unit and asks what the hell she was doing as she saw her buy drugs. Franky asks Allie if Bea would have liked to see her this way Allie says she is going through a tough patch and needs a little something to get through it, Franky pissed off tells her to get shit faced and leaves. Allie who has been collecting drugs to make a hotshot hides what she had gotten off of Tina in a book.


Kaz tells the women the ones siding with Ferguson are no longer under her protection

The women are all in the yard where Doreen tells Kaz that things are becoming a little bit wild as she wonders why Lucy can roam around without repercussions after she bashed Sonia without the permission of the top dog, Kaz says that Lucy and crew can all go to buggery as Sonia says 'Buggery looks crowded'. Lucy complains about her tooth and Tina makes fun of her for it with Lucy telling her to shut up. Boomer has to scratch Sonia's knee as Lucy makes a gross remark about it and Kaz finally has enough and calls out the women and says if they have a problem with her they should spit it out and deal with it right there, Tina spits on the ground and it confirms what Kaz already knows.


Liz tells Bridget she fell in love with Don

Sonia goes to Liz and she asks her for a favour; to do her nails. Sonia says she feels like an invalid because of her injuries. Sonia says she hates to admit it but she may be in Wentworth for a long time to come. Sonia reveals that Don has gone missing with the money he stole from her and that is no where to be found he just 'vanished' off the face of the Earth. Sonia says he might of fucked her over but she wont let anyone else get the same done to them. Liz talks to Bridget and says that she believes that Sonia killed Don because she is more then capable of doing so, because she killed her husband and she killed Helen. Bridget says Liz's feelings are valid and Liz says she must be the only one who gives a shit, Bridget asks why she cares so much and Liz says that she fell in love with him and they were going to be together when she got out.

Sonia and Boomer are in the yard as Boomer says she'll have to leave Sonia alone because she has to go the bathroom and asks if she'll be ok alone, Sonia says she'll be fine but not to take too long, Boomer says she'll take as long as she needs. Sonia wheels herself over to Bea's memorial on the fence and she comes up with an idea.


Sonia, Linda and Boomer look at the tools in the workshop after Vera greenlights the 'Green Wall Project'

Sonia speaks with Vera as Sonia has come up with the idea of a vertical garden project and comes up with a brilliant idea and asks the governor if the idea can go ahead. Sonia says if it does cost money she can use her contacts to help pay for the project. Sonia tells Vera that it can give the women something to do other than bashing each other up. Vera agrees to reopen the old workshop as Linda unlocks the gate as Sonia and Boomer take a look around Boomer calls it a dump and Sonia says that Rome started with less, Linda takes a look at the tools and says that all of them need to be check and recertified, Sonia asks how long it will take and Linda says she can get the prison sparky to fast track it, depending on how badly they want it done.

Joan and Vera are both brushing their teeth as Vera goes to bed and Joan tells Jake that he needs to get Nurse Radcliffe on side with them Jake asks how he can do that, Joan says to use his brain. Jake has sex with Nurse Lee Radcliffe in order to get her onside. In the morning Vera meets with Jake when she tells him that she values her independence, Jake says he understands and Vera thanks him for it.

Boomer is sitting in the workshop as Sonia introduces Ted (Welding Teacher) who is from the local TAFE and will be supervising the project. Ted asks if anyone can weld and an inmate says that she can weld but when she starts to weld Boomer can hear that the settings on the welding equipment are too high. Boomer walks over to the equipment and turns it off saying that the settings are too high and that it will turn shit if they aren't fixed, Sonia watches as she realises if Boomer knows how to weld she can use her.

Jake brings in Iman Farah who has been sent to Wentworth on remand, Jake tells her that she can decorate her cell as it may not look like much with anything she wants he then leaves to speak with Joan, Jake tells Joan that Vera has said no about letting him move in because she values her independence, Joan says that is a lie. Jake leaves and has to listen to Lucy saying that he wants her Jake replies 'like a dose of the clap' and Lucy jokes saying that Stella might oblige. Jake says they have a new inmate Iman, Lucy introduces herself and tells Iman that she 'loves caramel milkshake', Iman tells Lucy to stay away from her and Lucy replies that she'll keep.


Boomer welds in the workshop

Boomer walks out dressed in welding gear to the women laughing over it and Sonia tells them to get over it and listen to her. Boomer says that welding requires the correct settings on the machine and she says she'll teach them how to weld properly so the weld doesn't go crunchy and weird, Boomer starts welding as Sonia looks on realising that Boomer can be useful for the workshop and her welding skills are an important asset..

Juice comes into the yard in pain over her tooth, Stella makes fun of Lucy for it and Lucy tells her to stop being a broken record. Joan tells her she could have more then 'chocolate bars to munch on' and that she could have so much more, Joan is of course referring to Iman and Lucy asks how the hell she will become Top Dog and Lucy asks how, Joan says she has two options, Appeal to the People or Terrify Them.

Doreen is looking at photos of Nash and Josh and she is teary over them, when she is interrupted by Iman who asks if she is the person she is looking for, Doreen says she is and Iman says someone told her she was the peer worker. Iman tells Doreen she needs legal help to get out of Wentworth and Doreen tells her that's what her lawyer is for and she may have to wait, Iman says she doesn't want to wait she just wants to get out of Wentworth, Doreen agrees with that and the two talk.

Boomer watches the women in the workshop weld and she speaks with Sonia who asks Boomer to help run the workshop with her.

Iman and Joan play pool in the library as Joan tells Iman that Lucy is the leader of 'The Boys' and that Lucy is a pig but is a useful ally, when Doreen overhears Joan asking Iman to give some thought about joining that crew she rushes to Franky who is talking with Boomer after Boomer finishes up in the workshop for the day. Doreen tells Franky that Iman needs help as she is about to be attacked by Lucy, Franky says it's up to Kaz but Doreen says Kaz won't do shit. Franky and Boomer agree to help.

Iman returns to her unit with Joan and Lucy's crew Joan tells Lucy to make her feel welcome and make her a cup of tea before she disappears to her cell, Lucy asks Iman how she has her tea and she says with a sugar, Lucy says she has the same but today she'll have hers 'black' the boys hold and drag Iman back to her cell and placed on the bed, Lucy then says 'You wanna know why they call me Juice?', before she assaults Iman, Franky and Boomer make their way into the unit and Boomer punches Stella in the face and Franky helps Iman by grabbing Lucy's face and Franky tells her to back off or go another round, Lucy says no and Franky calls her a piece of shit. Will walks in and asks what the hell is going on and Lucy comes out of the cell saying everyone will keep, Will tells Lucy to come with him as she is going to see the governor.

Vera and Will listen to Gambaro who says that Will has had it in for her ever since he once knocked her back, but Vera says she is suspending her privileges for a month and if she touches another inmate she will go to the slot, Lucy calls her 'Vinegar Tits' and Vera asks what she said Lucy says it wont happen again. Lucy leaves as Will says Lucy is getting out of hand, Vera tells Will that Iman needs to be moved to the laundry so Kaz can keep an eye on her.

In the laundry Kaz is seen on the press struggling to press sheets as Mel asks if Kaz needs help as Liz asks Allie if she is ok, Kaz just refuses, when Doreen comes into the laundry she tells Kaz that Lucy again attacked another prisoner and Kaz losses it and says the women are fucked in the head as they keep attacking each other and making things worse for each other, Kaz says she is sick of it.

Kaz is seen in the walk way as Will calls her over to speak with Vera. Vera asks Kaz if she is losing control of the women because Lucy again terrorised a new inmate and was the person who bashed Sonia, Vera tells Kaz that she needs to take control and Vera basically gives Kaz permission to bash Lucy.

Kaz after speaking with Vera goes to the yard where she hears the women talking about her and her broken arm finds Sonia in the yard reading and says that she looks happy. Sonia says she is happy as Kaz says amongst the shit going on in the prison she forgot to catch up with Sonia. Kaz tells Sonia if she wants her to she will bash Lucy, but Sonia declines saying that Kaz cannot go against what she has stated publicly.

Joan is in medical as she lies about pain where the dentist filled in her tooth. When Nurse Radcliffe goes to take her pulse Joan makes a sex sound and mimics what she said to Jake, Radcliffe looks at Joan in horror as Joan just replies 'Somebodies' been a naughty nurse" and says she wont tell anyone, Radcliffe is shocked to know that Joan knows about her affair with Jake.


Jake listens to Vera's story about why she doesn't celebrate birthdays

It's morning as Jake arrives at Vera's house with coffee and breakfast, they talk about why Vera doesn't like birthdays. Vera reveals a story about when she was 9 and her mother let her have her first party. Vera goes into detail about standing at the door waiting for the guests to come and no one came because to her mother 'no one liked her'. Jake tells her that he is saving his present for later but he still has to wrap it.

Will walks to medical where he speaks with Nurse Radcliffe who says she has to get the room ready for the dentist, Will says he'll take Kaz back to her unit. Will asks Kaz what she is gonna do about Lucy as the women are still making noise, Kaz says let them make noise and she will stick with her principals, Will says he understands but says that Kaz needs to make a decision and quickly as if the wrong person takes Lucy out the wrong person would end up leading the women.

Lucy returns to her unit where she overhears Joan and Jake talking about manipulating Vera some more this time because it is her birthday to bring cake in and get the guards to celebrate her birthday. Lucy makes the choice to tell Vera..


Vera laughs at Juice who says she wants Vera's support for a bid for Top Dog

Vera is standing in her office where she is looking at a flower that Jake gave her. Linda knocks on the door and tells Vera that Lucy had put in a request to see her. Lucy speaks with Vera and wants to give her information regarding a private matter she overheard but she wants something in return, for Vera to support her bid for Top Dog, Vera laughs at her and says she'd be the worst Top Dog ever.

Liz tries to phone Don Kaplan but again gets his voice mail, but before she can call him again Lucy grabs Liz and threatens to expose her as Witness X because Sonia refuses to pay Lucy and her gang, Lucy threatens to assault Sonia if she doesn't cough up the money. Liz ends up speaking with Bridget and telling her that Lucy knows she is Witness X, Bridget who is in a hurry tells Liz she needs to calm down about it and she will talk to her later..

Jake talks to Vera while taking her to the staffroom, when Jake opens the door to the staffroom, the officers are there singing Vera a happy birthday. Vera doesn't like the idea of the whole thing and she runs off to the bemusement of the officers. Jake talks to Vera in the stairwell as she is upset about it and she asks him why she cares about her about 'Vinegar Tits' Jake explains that Vera is wonderful. Vera tells Jake that whenever she is around him but stops and asks him to come over and to bring his suitcase. Vera leaves as Jake realises he has been successful.


Joan finally gets the ultimate revenge on Lucy by cutting out her tongue

As Lucy is prepped to see the dentist by Nurse Lee Radcliffe who is seen first cleaning the equipment, Lucy tells Radcliffe that she wants the pain relief gas as Radcliffe does so she turns on the gas and leaves the room. As Lucy is drifting off she thinks the person who has come into the room is the dentist, but it is Joan Ferguson (Wentworth). Joan who is in full gear turns the gas way up as Lucy struggles to recognise who the person is at first. Joan grabs the equipment and begins the process, she has zip ties ready and she gets the scalpel. Joan then straddles Lucy tightening the restraints and takes off the mask finally revealing to Lucy it's Joan. Joan tells Lucy 'You've licked your last pussy' as she proceeds to cut out Lucy's tongue, Lucy starts screaming but soon afterward is silenced, and Joan has had her revenge.

As The Green Wall is introduced the women are seen looking at the project in the yard, when suddenly all hell breaks loose. Lucy comes out of the compound and in to the yard with blood all over her, as she goes through the crowd she stops at Vera and vomits blood on her, Lucy is caught by Will and Jake and laid down onto the ground as the alarms blare, Linda grabs Vera and moves her away from Lucy as the inmates and staff look on in horror at the violence it took to injure Lucy.


Lucy collapses on Vera after having her tongue cut out

As Lucy is in medical being tended to by Nurse Lee Radcliffe, Vera watches on as Will tells her that the ambulance is on it's way. Bridget tries to get Vera's attention and Vera snaps out of it as Bridget asks what happened to Lucy. Vera reveals the extent of Lucy's injury: someone cut her tongue out as she was seeing the dentist, Radcliffe went to go get the dentist for her treatment but by the time she had come back Lucy was gone and blood was everywhere. Bridget asks who could've done this, Vera says she doesn't know, Bridget thinks it may have been Liz due to Lucy knowing that she may have been Witness X. Vera goes in and speaks with Lucy and she asks her who attacked her, Vera gives Lucy a pen and the chart and asks her to write a name. As the ambulance arrives Lucy hands back the chart and Vera reads it before throwing on the ground the words Lucy had written: Fuck You.


The women declare Joan top dog after 'taking out the trash' that was Lucy Gambaro

Joan walks into the yard where the women in the yard look at her and she looks them in triumph. Tina Mercado stands up from the bench and says that Ferguson finally took out the trash that was Lucy Gambaro when Kaz couldn't. The women are heard saying 'Fuck Kaz' and 'What has she done for us'. Tina begins the 'Top Dog' chant as it becomes louder and louder the others are worried for what could happen next, Kaz's crew look on in disbelief as Franky and the others refuse to acknowledge what is happening. Ferguson relishes the fact the women have officially declared her Top Dog.


Vera sees Lucy's tongue gifted to her as a 'present'

Vera watches what is happening in the yard from the main building as the women embrace Joan's move of taking out Lucy and yell out 'top dog', Vera returns to her office where she spots a present on her desk she thinks the gift is from Jake but when she opens the present it is Lucy's tongue, Vera jumps at the sight of it and in shock knows that this calling card must be from Joan.

In the dining room Joan the newfound Top Dog is seen eating ice-cream as Kaz and Will watch on as the women give Joan their desserts as Allie gives Joan her dessert with Joan looking bemused as a result of it continues eating as Doreen, Franky, Liz and Boomer watch on in shock, as Kaz and Will realise the women have made Joan their top dog after taking out Lucy.

Jake goes to Vera's house with a bag of his things as Vera opens the door Jake wants to give Vera a present as she asks if she has to open it now, Jake shakes his head 'no' as he walks into the house. As Vera goes to bed for the night she gets into bed with Jake as their relationship continues to grow. Vera tells Jake that she feels safe with him, what Vera doesn't know is Jake is Ferguson's rat.


  • Sally-Ann Upton (Lucy Gambaro) said the scene where everyone sees Lucy was shot twice. Once with Lucy and the other capturing the reactions of the cast, the reactions were very real as everyone had not seen Upton in makeup prior to the scene.
  • The episode garnered controversy because of the tongue scene and was even called 'Tongue Gate' in Australia,
  • It was said that Robbie Magasiva (Will Jackson) during the scene in the yard with Lucy coming out of the compound into the yard he gagged at the site of all the fake blood and was spotted puking into a plant on set.