As Franky returns to Wentworth, Vera makes a desperate attempt to quash Ferguson's self defense claim and Liz prepares to testify against Sonia.

Franky is remanded back to Wentworth for Mike's murder
As a brawler is driving into Wentworth, Franky is in the brawler with two other inmates, as Franky tries to reassure one of them that everything will be okay, the young inmate asks her what would she know. The brawler arrives at Wentworth. When the doors open Franky sees Linda who gives her a disappointed look as Franky looks over and sees Will who is doing his paperwork. Franky realises she has lost her freedom again. As the women are led inside, Franky undergoes processing and a strip search. Franky is escorted to processing by Linda Miles where they walk past medical and Franky sees Allie lying in medical after her return from the hospital and fight with Ferguson, Franky then sees Will.
Will tells Franky that he had really hoped it was another Franky Doyle and Franky says that she's one of a kind, Will says that at least she hasn't lost her sense of humour and she says she's just lost everything else. Will tells her that there is a spare cell in H1 if she wanted to move back there. Franky refuses and tells him that was Bea's cell and she doesn't want to do that, Franky asks to be placed in another unit and Will asks why, Franky says that it is just better that way. Franky tells Will to just say what he was thinking that 'she blew it' and is 'a disappointment'. Will tells her that he really thought she would make it as she had worked her arse off to get out. Franky tells him so much for his 'precious system' Will interjects and says that the system didn't murder Mike Pennisi and Franky says that she didn't kill him. Franky tells Will that the system has him by the balls as he had the chance to get out and he didn't take it. Bridget comes down the hall and sees that Franky is being processed by Will, and she stares at her in disbelief, Vera spots Bridget looking and takes her away quickly.

Vera tells Bridget to 'leave it' as Franky is returned to Wentworth
Bridget tells Vera that Franky wouldn't have killed Mike and Vera says that it is hard to believe. Bridget says they did meet once but it was at a café. Vera tells Bridget that either way she needs to keep her distance from her for her sake. Bridget says to Vera that Franky would be frightened & scared and Vera says that she understands but there are already rumours about their relationship around the prison and Bridget says that she will not abandon her. Vera says that she understands but she says as her friend and colleague she also needs to help the women because she doesn't want to have to fire her over the relationship. Bridget agrees and Vera walks away.

Franky walks through the yard with the other inducted inmates
As the women are in the yard, they are reading on recipes as Kaz and her crew are playing basketball as the ball rolls to Bea's memorial Liz tells the women to 'watch out for Bea'. As they nod the gate open and the new inmate arrivals make their way through the yard to Juice and Stella's obscene insults until they see Franky, Joan watches on to see what is happening and Kim also sees her former lover returning as well. Franky walks into the yard to a massive welcome from Sue "Boomer" Jenkins who says that Franky is going to make everything better again and she is happy to see her come back. As Liz and the others are shocked to see her back. When Franky walks into the unit, Boomer tells Kaz to 'watch out' as Franky can show her what a 'real top dog' is like.

The H1 Girls are reunited with Franky
Boomer, Liz, Doreen and Maxine go to visit Franky and as they go to see her, Liz tells Boomer to give her some space as Doreen says to not smother her and Boomer says that Franky can make things 'normal again'. As they get to the unit they see Franky and she sees them, she is dejected that she is back at Wentworth. But when she embraces them they welcome her back. . Doreen asks her why she is back and if she broke her parole, Franky reveals that she has been remanded into Wentworth as the cops reckon she killed Mike Pennisi, the women refuse to believe it. Liz asks why she isn't in with them and Franky says that it was Bea's cell and she couldn't do that. Maxine offers up her cell as she reveals she is being sent to Barnhurst to continue her cancer treatment as Boomer says that 'Barnhurst won't be forever', they give her looks. Boomer then asks Franky as Kaz's crew walks back into the unit and says when is she going to make her move for top dog, Franky not a fan of the idea doesn't say anything as Liz questions Boomer saying it is not appropriate, Boomer tells them that someone needs to go payback on what Ferguson did to Bea.
Jake is in the staffroom as Will walks in, Jake welcomes him back and says it is great to have him back. Will looks at him and asks him if he is sure about that, Jake looks at his pips and realises and says that he is just keeping his seat warm and says that the sooner he can be reinstated the better. Will says that he has to get through his session with Bridget Westfall first but he thinks it is personally a waste of time. Jake says that whenever he gets the all clear the job is his again and offers a clean slate to him and shakes his hand.
Franky is in her cell as she is looking at her teal jacket when Kaz comes in. Kaz reveals who she is to Franky and she says that she will give her "lessons" on being a top dog, Franky laughs and says that "this is the bit where you cock your leg and spray in the corner." Kaz chuckles and says no and says it is just a courtesy call to see if the two of them will have any problems. Franky says she would "rather suck dick" then be top dog again and says that the job is all hers she is just passing through, Kaz says "not if she murdered someone she isn't" and says that she will see her around.

Kaz and Allie talk about why Allie attacked Ferguson
Kaz is in her cell as Allie walks past Kaz calls her in and asks if she is ok after attacking Ferguson, Allie says that she is fine and that she will live. Kaz says to Allie she understands why she did it but needs her to not attack her again as she is trying to get the women to listen to her and she can't do that if other women are attacking each other. Allie says that Kaz is protecting Ferguson after everything she had done, Kaz says that she will deal with Ferguson in her own time but the principal had to be the same for everyone. Allie tells her to 'fuck her principals', when she goes to leave she tells Allie to leave Ferguson alone, and Allie replies with "or what you gonna bash me?" Allie goes to see Franky and says that she heard about the chef. Franky says that she isn't in prison again to make friends and that it is nothing personal. Allie says that she wanted to thank her for visiting her in the hospital and Franky asks why she was in medical, Allie says that it was her fault and she attacked Ferguson, Franky says that was gutsy and Allie said it was dumb and says that she will do it properly next time as Bea thought she was dead and died for her, Franky says to her that Ferguson killed her and that revenge gets you either stuck in prison or dead like Bea.
As the women wait outside the laundry Will comes to let them in and when he does he is made fun off by Mel Barrett who tells him to just 'drop off his bras and undies' as Kaz says she was hoping he had quit since he no longer has his deputy pips and that he must of done something pretty bad for that to happen. Will tells Kaz to get to work and Kaz says to him he should quit while he is ahead but he can't since he has nowhere else to go. Bridget walks down the stairs and she sees Franky and talks with her about what happened, Franky reveals she seen him more then once as she thought the cafe was a one off but he kept ringing her and even sent photos and begun stalking her at home and Bridget asks her why she didn't tell her and Franky says that she was just trying to protect Bridget, Bridget asks from who and look where they both are now, Franky tells her to chill and everything will be ok. Bridget tells her that she hired Marcus Pearce to represent her and Franky knows that he costs a fortune, Bridget says that she knows the system and "you get what you paid for.." as Franky looks up and see's Ferguson standing at the top of the stairs and tells Bridget she didn't do anything.

"One cannot deny the animal within.."
Ferguson speaks with Franky after Franky speaks with Bridget and says to her 'like ships in the night'. Joan says she has 'no idea' how much it gladdens her to see her back in Wentworth and she says that all her career she believed the Offender Rehabilitation Program was a waste of Tax payer money and she says 'One cannot deny the animal within'. and Franky responds with 'no they can't can they', and Ferguson just says 'ha' and then says she is looking forward to seeing her instincts again, Franky tells her to 'go mind fuck someone else' and walks off as Ferguson tells her she can do better then that. Franky is in the interrogation room where she is giving a DNA sample as her lawyer and says to the police that her client is there giving them a sample voluntarily and Ansari says that it is noted. Marcus Pearce says that Franky did not enter Mike's house at any stage and Senior Detective Ansari says they can exclude her from the crime scene and she says they need to clear some things up. Franky says if it was a crime he could've shot himself, Ansari says not from 3 metres away. Franky agrees to clear anything up as Ansari says that Franky's phone and internet records and Pearce says to Franky that saying 'I don't recall' is a perfectly responsible response. Ansari says Franky's records include a search of Mike's house details, Franky says that she wanted to go over there to tell him to leave her alone and that's when he attacked her in the car with a chef blow torch, Pearce says that Franky was in fear of her life and Franky says that Mike was a psycho. Ansari says that they didn't find he torch but they have found the gun. Pearce surprised asks what is going on and Ansari asks Franky if she has seen the gun before, Franky says that she hasn't.

"If Franky can't make it then what hope do I have."
Liz goes to see Don and he asks how Liz is going and Liz says that she isn't great and asks if he heard of the news of an inmate dying Bea, Maxine having cancer, and Franky coming back into the prison after on parole, Liz says that Franky is smart and capable and Liz says that if Franky can't make it on the outside what hope does she have. Don says that she has people who care about her and he can see about getting her out of Wentworth first. Don shows Liz the folder with everything Liz said about Sonia and says that all she has to do it is read it and she can read it with him, Liz doesn't bother and says that it 'looks' like it is all there and signs the form.

Allie and Franky talk about the gun showing up
Franky is in the yard punching a punching bag as Allie watches on, Allie walks over as she asks if the police told her bad news. Franky asks if they are now best friends and Allie says it looks like she needs one. Franky tells Allie that the murder weapon has showed up and it's a gun, Allie says that is a good thing isn't it, and just to tell the cops that she has never seen the gun before, Franky gives her a look and Allie realises she has seen the gun before. Franky tells her that she busted one of her clients with the gun and she chucked it but it has turned up again. Allie asks how that is even possible and asks if anyone else knows about, and Franky says it's just him and her, and she reveals to her that the client in Joan's godson, Allie asks if she is joking and says that she needs to speak with him about it as it can't be a coincidence.
Liz is speaking with Don and Liz is rehearsing the story she will tell the court. Liz stuffs up several parts of the story and she says to him that she isn't good at it and the court are going to pick it apart straight away. Don tells her to keep on going and to stick with the story and that she will be fine. Liz asks if she can take the notes back to her cell so she can memorize what she will say, Don tells her that it will be too risky if someone finds out. Liz says that she will be careful with them and Don relents and gives them to her, Liz says she will guard it with her life and puts it in her shirt.

Will has his session with Bridget and says all he wants is the women getting a fair go
Will has his session with Bridget and he tells her that he isn't a 'head case' he just dropped an 'eccy' at the club. Bridget asks him if he wants to be deputy again and Will says of course of he does. Bridget says sometimes people self sabotage because they don't believe they want something. Will is asked how long he has been at Wentworth and he says he has been there 'about six years' Bridget then says he must really believe in what he does to be in the job for so long and Will says you have to believe in something otherwise you fail people Bridget asks who and Will doesn't answer Bridget says Bea. Will agrees that he failed Bea and everyone failed Bea, Bridget asks if he thinks Bea belonged in Wentworth, Will says that isn't up to him but if the system didn't chew her up maybe she would still be alive. Will pauses as Bridget calls him a 'compulsive rescuer' and Will says that he just wants to make sure the women get a fair go, he then says 'how that for a head case' and Bridget just smiles at him.
Franky goes to the visitors centre where Shayne Butler is seated at a table. Shayne asks Franky how this happened to her, Franky replies and says that she was just trying to help someone out and who had a bit of a shit start, Shayne says it isn't right and Franky says that no matter how many times you help someone they keep making dumb decisions. Shayne doesn't know what Franky means after she asks him that she hopes he hasn't made a bad choice. Shayne asks what does she mean by that, and Franky says that the 'item' she took from him at the courthouse was used to killed someone with. Franky asks Shayne if he did it and Shayne says that after she took it off him he wanted to be as far away from the gun as possible. Franky asks him where he found the gun in the first place and he says he found it in a hole in the wall at Joan's house. Franky works it out and realises that Ferguson got someone to take the gun out of the trash and use it.

Ferguson baits Franky into attacking her in the dining room
Franky walks into the dining room where the women are eating their meals Kaz watches as Franky goes to get food. Franky walks over and gets some as she walks over to Joan's table with everyone including Will watching on. Ferguson tells Franky hello and calls it an unexpected pleasure and Franky tells her that she in on to her and that she won't get away with it. Ferguson says that the prison has been "so pedestrian" without her, Franky says that she knows Ferguson has set her up by using the same person who killed Jesper to kill Mike. Ferguson says that just knowing something in your waters doesn't satisfy the burden of proof. Franky calls her 'sick' and Ferguson says that she was 'sad' to hear it and that she might be in for a dry patch with her 'Sapphic psychologist', Franky then grabs a fork and Ferguson who goated her says 'there she is the old Franky Doyle', Franky then says fuck you for ruining her life and for killing Bea and says that she is lucky that Franky isn't the old her.

"She's made an art form of fucking up people's lives."
Franky says to Vera that Ferguson knows who killed Mike Pennisi and Vera sarcastically says all that have to do is ask Ferguson for a name. Franky says it is the same person who killed Jesper for her and Vera asks her if she seriously thinks that Ferguson framed her for murder, and Franky says yes as Ferguson has made an art form of 'fucking up people's lives' and Will agrees by saying that Ferguson framed him for killing Harry Smith (Wentworth). Vera asks what Franky wants her to do, and Franky asks her to pull her phone records so she can get her lawyer on it, Vera says that the department doesn't go on fishing expeditions but she can see what she can do. As Franky leaves Jake tells Franky to leave Ferguson alone and Franky tells him that of course she will. As Franky and Will leave the office Franky asks what has gotten into Vera as she has also been messed around by Ferguson. Will tells Franky that Vera after Bea's death won't be sticking her neck out for anyone but Will says to Franky he believes her and says that she needs to calm down and everything will sort itself out. As Will opens the door Franky says that he should've run years ago and Will jokes and says where would Franky be then.

Jake realises he can't run from his demons
Ferguson is cleaning in the kitchen as an officer watches her and Jake takes over and the officer leaves. Jake tells Ferguson that Franky is chasing Jesper's murderer and has convinced Vera to pull her phone records. Ferguson says how stupid do they think "we are", and Jake repeats it and says that they are done. Jake also says that he will pay back Ferguson's $90k, and Ferguson says that it wasn't a loan and he had earned it, Jake just says that he will then use it to get as far away from Ferguson as possible. Ferguson tells Jake that it isn't her she is running from. Jake storms out and goes to his car as he screams and he realises something he can do. Jake puts a sim in his phone that he has in the car and calls Gregory Turkell and does another order over the phone and makes it a double. Bridget is leaving work as she runs into Jake, Bridget says to Jake that Vera wanted her to ask how Franky is doing, and Jake says that she isn't doing too well as she is spouting some pretty random stuff. Bridget says that she can check up on Franky, and Jake says that is a good idea and that she can do it in the morning as she is on her way home. Bridget insists and says she can do it now as she isn't really doing anything and has nowhere to be. Jake eventually agrees and says that he'll get things ready of her.
Boomer is in Franky's cell making a collage on the pin board, and Franky notices and opens the door and asks what she is doing, Boomer says it was meant to be a surprise and Franky says that she did manage to surprise her. Boomer says that she wants her cell to feel like a home again, and Franky refuses it and says that she is not taking down Ferguson and she isn't the same person she was when she was in prison before. Franky tells Boomer to get out of her cell.

Sonia has a stiff drink when she learns of 'Witness X''s existence
Doreen is showing Liz and Maxine new photos of Josh and Maxine says that Josh is a little cutie and Doreen jokes and says he takes after her. Liz tells Doreen again that she should put in for that transfer to Perth as she shouldn't have to keep missing out on Josh growing up. Boomer comes back into the unit and says everything is fucked and what is Franky's problem. Liz says that she told her to give Franky some space, and Maxine tells her that she has a lot of on her mind, Boomer says so does she. Sonia returns to the unit and says that she needs a good stiff drink and orders Liz to get her shampoo bottle of single malt, and not the conditioner as it is conditioner. Doreen asks if her meeting with her lawyer didn't go well and Sonia reveals that her trial starts any day now and out of the blue a "mystery witness" as come forward saying she "confessed" to them and has come forward as "Witness X". Doreen asks if they know who it is and Sonia says that the person is anonymous and that it is possibly a woman as men tend to like her more because the women present company excluded think she will run off with their men. Boomer asks if she did do that and Sonia laughs and says one or two, and Boomer calls her a 'slag' and then asks can you be a slag if you're rich and Sonia says that you're a mistress, Sonia says that she'll do more then steal a husband when she finds out who Witness X is, and Liz just looks at her.

Franky and Bridget meet in her office in a secret meeting used as a session
Bridget is in her office as an officer brings Franky to see her, the door opens and Franky goes in and as the door closes the two kiss and Franky says that she just wants to go home and Bridget says that she wants her home too. Bridget says she heard that Franky attacked Ferguson and she shouldn't do that as she is already worried sick. Franky says to Bridget that Ferguson is the one who set her up and that she had a gun planted on her and the cops reckon it is hers. Bridget asks if Franky is innocent and Franky says that she is and that the whole thing in a set up. Bridget tells Franky to hang in there tightly. Will the knocks on the door and opens it and says that the police are here and they want to interview her.

Franky and Marco listen to what the police are saying
Franky is in a meeting with the police and her lawyer Marcus Pearce. Senior Detective Ansari asks Franky if she wishes to revise her statement as she claims she had never seen the gun before, Franky says no and her lawyer says that her client said no and can they move on. Ansari says that there was no DNA at Mike's house but the DNA matched the sample found under Franky's nails, the lawyer Pearce says that is obvious as Mike attacked her. Ansari says that her DNA is a match found on the gun and it places her at the murder, Franky asks what she means and Detective Harris (Wentworth) says that Franky sweated all over the gun and as it is in the groves couldn't be removed. Franky's lawyer requests the police to leave as she talks to him, Pearce says that this complicates things as Franky's DNA match is 99%, but he says that because she lied to the police it doesn't make it look good. Franky says that she handled the gun but didn't fire it as it is all a set up. Pearce tells Franky that it doesn't make a compelling argument and Franky asks him if he believes her and he says he doesn't pass judgment but what he thinks isn't relevant, and he tells her that she should change her plea to guilty and at best the charges could be reduced to manslaughter, Franky asks him if that is his expert advise and he says that Bridget is paying him a lot of money for the advise, Franky then fires him. Franky returns to her cell and trashes it as she realises she has ruined her chance of getting out.
Jake catches up with Vera who asks her how the meeting went, Vera says that she is going to be Governor for a while yet as the board accepted the story on Murphy and her resignation plus her own recommendations and she says that she think she was quite good at it, Jake says of course she was. Vera says that it puts an end to Joan's theory of officer involvement as Smith didn't pay anyone off so she could get to her to kill her. Jake says that Ferguson won't be happy about that and Vera says that she won't be. Vera asks Jake if there has been anymore issues with Franky and Ferguson and Jake says no but he sent Doyle for a psych appointment anyway. Vera says really and Jake says if that was fine as he says Bridget told him Vera was worried about her, Vera tells Jake that it is fine and Bridget knows what she is doing. Jake says that they should celebrate the good news and they share a kiss.

"I was about to throw a snowdome.. Until I realised, I don't own a snowdome.."
Franky is in her cell as she finds her necklace in the sheets of the mattress and she looks at it, as Allie watches on and Franky tells her to go away, but Allie tells Franky a story on how she was off her face once and trashed her cell and destroyed almost everything in sight until she picked up a snowdome and remembered that she didn't own a snowdome, Franky laughs as she says this one is definitely her cell and it will be forever, Allie says that may not be the case, Franky says last time there was hope but this time if she does get convicted she will get 25 years. Allie closes the door and says if she still thinks it was Ferguson who set her up, Franky says she believes it to be. Allie says to her they can both take her down and finish it, but Franky says she needs Ferguson alive because she is the only person who knows who set her up.

Maxine is hugged by Liz as she is fare-welled by the Hblock ladies
During the night Jake resupplies the drugs in the kitchen and in the morning Kim and Tina go and collect them.

Maxine leaves Wentworth for Barnhurst to receive treatment for cancer.
The women are in the yard with some playing basketball as Jake watches on as Joan enters the yard. Tina and her crew are doing a drug deal as Boomer is talking about getting a tattoo, Allie jokes 'a tramp stamp' as Liz jokingly slaps Boomer, a bunch of inmates are brought into the yard and Maxine is one of the inmates. An emotional goodbye begins with Boomer saying that Maxine never said her exit was today and Maxine says that she has just found out herself, Liz says to Maxine good luck with further treatment. Maxine says that she is going to miss everyone and Liz says that the women will miss her too. Maxine tells the women that everyone take care of Booms for her Boomer and Maxine hug as Boomer tells her to never forget her, as Maxine says that would be impossible. Maxine says goodbye to the other women and tells Allie that Bea loved her so much and Linda says that it is time to go. Maxine says one final goodbye as she escorted out of the yard by Linda.

Doreen reads Liz's letter about Sonia
Liz is in her cell practicing her speech about Sonia when she hears a knock at the door and Doreen enters, Liz is spooked by Doreen and says that she surprised her that she almost gave her a heart attack. Doreen then says that Boomer is still a mess after Maxine left and Liz says that someone will need to look out for her for the next while. Doreen then asks what the letter is for. Liz lies and says that it is a letter from Barnhurst that Sophie sent Doreen says "do they have computers at Barnhurst?" knowing that the letter is typed. Liz tells Doreen to close the door and when Doreen does so. Liz hands the letter to Doreen and Doreen realises that Liz is 'Witness X' and she tells Liz that if the women find out that she is lagging again they will kill her. Liz says that the women won't find out because they are going to find out because she made a deal, the moment Sonia is sentenced Liz will be released. Doreen asks why and Liz says that Sonia did it and she tells Doreen that she also needs to put in for a transfer to a different prison because she deserves to be closer to her son as Sonia knocks on the door she asks what is going on and says what juicy secrets are being told, and Doreen just says that Liz recommended Doreen transfer to another prison.
Franky goes to Boomer's cell where she sees her lying on the bed. Franky says that she must really be on her shit list, Boomer says that Franky told her to piss off. Franky tells Boomer that she didn't mean to be so harsh and says that she doesn't want prison to become her entire life. Boomer says that she just wants things to be as normal as possible. Franky then calls Boomer a sook and plays around with her eventually giving her a hug.

Bridget learns Franky's DNA has appeared on evidence
Bridget goes to see Vera and apologizes to Vera and says that she needed to speak with Franky as she loves her, Vera asks her what happened to being discreet about it and Bridget says that it looked like a normal appointment, and Vera says "after hours?", Vera then tells her if people put two and two together it will cost Bridget her job. Vera then reveals that police found DNA evidence of Franky underneath Mike's fingernails and the murder weapon. Bridget shocked as Vera tells her that she should stay away from Franky.
Bridget sees Franky and stops her and she says that Franky said it wasn't her gun, Franky says it wasn't' her gun and says that it is Ferguson's gun, Bridget then asks why was her DNA all over the gun. Franky says it's a messy situation as she got it from Shayne Butler before he got the chance to kill Nils Jesper, and she then dumped the gun and now it has turned up again. Bridget then says it sounds unbelievably crazy and Franky says that it is all true. Bridget is annoyed that Franky has again hidden things from her and asks her why would she do that and Franky says that she was just trying to protect Bridget because she didn't want her to lose her job. Bridget says to her that's not how it looks to everyone and Franky says that is what her lawyer said as well and that's why she fired him. Bridget then says all Franky had to do was trust her. Franky goes to the showers where she breaks down after realising what has happened.

Vera takes Ferguson teals and tells her that her plan failed due to a board meeting
Vera walks to Joan's cell with a box and as she stands in the doorway Ferguson says hello and sees the box joking that 'it isn't her birthday' Vera puts the box down and Joan says that she will not give Vera the satisfaction of asking what's in the box she 'is mistaken' and she then asks what is in the box. Vera reveals to Joan that she has just come from a board meeting one which she would have found 'interesting' and Joan says she doubts it. Vera reveals that an officer resigned Brenda Murphy and asks if she remembers her, Ferguson says she does always 'skiving off for a smoke'. Vera tells her that she "confessed" to losing her swipe card the day Ferguson killed Bea Smith and she used it to get to no-man's land. Ferguson says that proves nothing. Vera then tells her that it quashes her self defense claim as Vera continues and says that Smith didn't collude with an officer and didn't pay anyone off. Vera continues and says that when her and Will found Ferguson, Bea was dead and Ferguson was standing over her holding a shiv. Ferguson then says to Vera that she thinks she is 'very clever' and Vera just says she believes the uniform size is right before walking out of her cell.

"From the ashes I am rising.."
As Franky returns to her cell, Joan begins to put her inmate uniform on as her reflection is in the governor's uniform believing that Vera has "outsmarted" and that she has "taken everything from her" but Ferguson says she isn't going to take it, and she will destroy Vera 'professionally', 'personally' and 'emotionally', as Franky changes into her teals. Vera goes to Bea's memorial wall and says that Ferguson will be punished. Ferguson reveals she will 'come up from the ashes' as she is 'rising'. Franky zips up her hoodie as it reveals that she will fight for her freedom.