Prisoner Cell Block H Wiki

Bea and Allie's happiness is short-lived as Ferguson executes her plan to be exonerated, while Will is suspended from duty.

Bea wakes from her night of love with Allie and when she leaves her cell where she asks Liz if she knows where Allie is, Liz tells her that she has gone to the showers and Liz tells her to watch her back after she stepped down from top dog. Bea walks down the hall to the showers and finds Allie in the shower unconscious and rushes over to help her and tries to get her to wake up. Allie is rushed medical as the prison goes into lockdown. Bea tells Will that she isn't leaving Allie as they believe Allie overdosed, Bea says that Allie isn't using anymore.

Back in her unit Bea says it is her fault and she says that she told Allie that it was a mistake for them to be together, the women ask why someone would hotshot her, Bea says it is possible that someone was getting to her through Allie. Much later Liz speaks with Sonia and Sonia tells Liz that she is falling apart because the police have finally found Helen's body and they still want to charge her for it. Liz says to her to stay strong.

Vera goes to Ferguson's holding unit and Ferguson tells her she saw that little commotion in the corridor and says that it must be a shock to her statistics. Vera says the only thing she is looking forward to is Ferguson facing justice for everything that she has done.


Linda tells Kaz the only news she has on Allie


Bea after she attacks Kaz to learn Kaz did not attack Allie

Bea when she speaks with Will and says that Allie didn't do that to herself and she also wants to know about wanting to go see Allie and Will tells her that she knows they can't action that, Will says the doctors are doing everything they can and that she will be updated when there is more news. Bea sees that Kaz is speaking with Linda and later when Kaz walks back to her unit and when she reaches her cell she is attacked by Bea, Bea is concussed in her fight and she tells Kaz that she was the one who hot shot her because she saw her talking to Linda. Kaz says she was only talking to Linda because she wanted to know news, Kaz says she loves her too. In medical Bea is being checked over and Vera walks in and asks if Bea is ok, Radcliffe says she will have to stay in over night due to the concussion possibility. Vera asks how it happened and Radcliffe says it was Proctor as she treated her too, Bea asks Vera if they found out who did that to her and Vera says that they are investigating it and Bea says Allie wouldn't do it too herself because she gave word that she wouldn't do it again. Allie is being looked at in hospital as Bea spends the night in medical.


The CSDS raid the staffroom to figure out a link between an officer and Allie's hot shotting

The CSDS are in the officer staffroom as they go through the officers things to find anything that could link between a drug deal and Allie. As the staff are being told to give urine for testing, Will asks Vera what is going on and she tells him that she believes whoever wiped the CCTV footage was protecting a deal with Novak and that once Will gives his sample he can take over, Will tells Vera he's deputy and should've have known, but Vera says she is governor and is in charge, Jake comes over and tells Vera that Linda's locker is clean and Linda gives Vera a look, Vera leaves, as Will tells Jake that if they are doing urine tests they will find what the two have done, Jake says not to worry because the drugs will be out of their systems by now but Will says that if it hasn't the both of them are screwed. Jake tells Will he will have a work to Radcliffe and see if she can lose their samples, Will leaves as Jake walks over to Radcliffe and he tells her that he has had a couple of big nights and needs her to lose his sample, Radcliffe says why would she do that and Jake says that he would be grateful.

Ferguson is getting ready for her court appearance in her medical holding cell and when Linda goes into get her and she is stunned Ferguson says that she has a 'good feeling' about today and when she is taken past medical she sees Bea and offers her condolences to Allie and she basically calls her 'collateral damage' and walks away as Bea charges ahead and she says that Ferguson is a psycho and she'll enjoy testifying against her.

Bea is handcuffed to a bed in medical and she asks Nurse Radcliffe if the hospital would have an update but she ignores her Bea asks if there is 'anyone home', Radcliffe replies there has been no news, Bea also says she asked to see Mr Jackson and where is he, Radcliffe again says she doesn't know because she is not his PA and she has a job to do. Bridget comes in and Bea says that she doesn't need a shrink and Bridget says that she heard Bea was in the wars, Bea asks for an update and Bridget says that Allie is still critical. and Bridget then tells Bea if she needs anything else to make sure she comes to see her, when Will comes into medical Bea asks Will if the handcuffs are still necessary, Will unlocks the cuffs and Bea says that she thought it was Kaz who gave Allie the hotshot but it was Ferguson, Will says that Ferguson was locked in her medical holding cell as Bea says that Ferguson told her she did it. Bea tells Will that Ferguson told her to her face and that she thinks that she isn't coming back from court and she asks Will for a favour and asks him for a phone so she can make a phone call and Will refuses since Bea is confined to medical, he then walks away.


Don shows Liz the evidence of Helen's murder.

Liz sees Don in his office and Liz says that Sonia has told her that the police have found Helen's body, Don says that should have been the evidence they needed but it is further from that. Liz then says what happens if Sonia didn't do it, Don shows Liz the photos of Helen and says that before she was killed and taken out to the forest her head was shaved and her body was discarded like a pile of rubbish. Don tells Liz that all he needs is one more piece of evidence and he can put Sonia away for good, he has the blood at her house and the DNA in the car. Don tells Liz that he needs her help to get the last piece of evidence and that is to testify against Sonia and say that she privately confessed and that Sonia can then be locked up for life and that Liz can be free and the two of them can do something when she gets out, Liz realises what Don is doing and refuses to lie for her and tells him that he can find someone else, Liz leaves the room and goes back to her unit

Bea is sitting in medical as Will walks in and over to Bea he hands her over a phone that is a contraband and he tells her that she'll need to get rid of it when she returns to her unit and that she gets one phone call. Bea tells him thankyou and when he leaves Bea calls Franky and says that something is going down with Ferguson as she is already being taken to court. Franky says that Shayne hasn't turned up for community service either and Bea says that he must be the one who will take the fall for Ferguson. Franky says that Shayne is not on the witness list but a lot of other people are like Bea, Vera, Nils Jesper and Matthew Fletcher, Bea says that Ferguson would be after Nils and Nils has just left Walford for the court house and Franky tells Bea that she is on it to stop what is about to happen.


Franky decides to go after Shayne after learning he's at the courthouse

Franky rushes to Joan's house to find the only person home is Frosty who is more concerned about his car going missing then Shayne being in trouble. Franky calls Shayne and tells him that he isn't in trouble and that Franky only wishes to speak with him. Shayne tells Franky he is turning his phone off and when he hangs up Bea rings Franky and tells her that she needs to go to the police, Franky says not to worry as she will find him.

Maxine brushes her hair and sees that some of it has started to fall out as she looks away from the mirror, Doreen and Liz talk about a possible transfer to Perth, Liz tells Doreen she has a pretty good case and Doreen says that she will think about it. Bea returns from medical where Liz asks if she is ok and Doreen says that the screws reckon she has concussion, Bea says yeah and Maxine tells Bea she has an appointment at the same hospital and she will "ask" Linda if she can see Allie. Maxine tells the women that her hair is starting to fall out and she thinks it is time to shave it off and who wants to do the honours, Boomer agrees to do it and when she goes over to start doing it but doesn't know how and Sonia agrees to do it. Sonia starts shaving her head and gives a monologue about how people getting their heads shaved can be a sign of "adornment" and letting someone have their head shaved is a sign of weakness, and Sonia continues by saying that shaving someone's head is also a sign of being reborn as Liz watches on she realises that she has been played.

As Bea is calling the hospital for an update Bea tries and fails as the hospital cannot give out any details as Liz is standing in Don Kaplan's office, Don walks in and Liz says that he was right that Sonia has been playing her the entire time and that it is awful not only for the kids but everyone left behind. Don asks if she will make a statement and Liz asks him what does she want her to say, Don kisses Liz and says that she is doing the right thing. Bea walks out of her cell and she walks around the unit before walking to Allie's cell, Bea looks around as the doctors continue to watch over Allie as she is in a coma. Bea picks up Allie's jumper and sits with it.


Joan arrives at the court house

The press are standing outside the courthouse where they report on Ferguson and the witness who is set to testify against her. Franky looks around to see if she can see Shayne, but the brawler arrives and the press go ham over it. Franky watches on as Joan is taken into court and Franky spots Shayne's car in the carpark and goes over to see if anyone is in it when he's not in it, Franky goes back over to the court steps and looks around some more and when the press move out of the way Franky sees Shayne and grabs him taking him away from the media circus.


Franky stops Shayne from making the biggest mistake of his life

Franky spots Shayne at the courthouse and she pursues Shayne by grabbing him before he can make his way to the stairs. Franky tells Shayne to not make so much noise as there are cops everywhere Franky tells Shayne what the hell is doing near the courthouse anyway, Shayne says all he wanted to do was to see Joan before she went to court. Franky says that it is too late and that she's in there already when Franky says that she will take Shayne home instead he pulls out a gun on her. Franky manages the situation and she talks Shayne down from shooting her and he says that she used him and she says in return that Ferguson was doing the exact same thing and what is he doing for a 'noble cause'. Shayne blames Franky and the lawyer types like her because they killed Jianna and ended up putting Shayne in 10 different foster homes, Franky says she knows all about foster homes and Shayne says she knows nothing, Franky tells Shayne that he is a good person because he hasn't crossed that line yet and if he does there is no going back from it she says that being in prison almost killed her and she says to Shayne that she reckons that Jianna wouldn't want to see him behind bars. Shayne eventually backs down and Franky manages to take the gun off of him and calm him down and he says that he is going to be in trouble, Franky says she'll talk with community services and meet him back at the house later, Franky tells him that she is proud of him for not crossing the line. Shayne leaves as Franky collects herself and wipes the prints off the gun before putting in her pocket and leaving the area. Bea who is lying in her cell hears her phone go off and it is a text from Franky saying that it is over and she will talk to her soon.

The Walford brawler is driving to the court as another car wildly drives and stops in front of it as it does Jesper who is in the back wonders what is going on, as the masked person tells them to get out of the brawler he leads them toward the back of the brawler and knocks them both out before getting into the brawler and driving away, leaving the two Walford officers behind.

As Joan sits waiting to go into court she hears the radio call from an officers radio that the transfer brawler has become unresponsive and she smiles smugly knowing what this means.

Vera is on the phone and she says to the person on the other end to keep her informed as Will comes into the room. Vera tells Will that Jesper's brawler has gone missing, and Will asks how it went missing, Vera says that it left Walford but never made it to the court house and Will responds saying that if they can't find him Ferguson will get off as the other witness are just cooperating with the investigation. Will thanks Vera for telling him but Vera says that is not the reason she called him into the her office. Vera says that during the staff CSDS raid Will's drug test came back positive for Class A drugs and it registered. Vera asks Will if he was the one who supplied Allie with the drugs and Will denies this and tells Vera would she really think that he did, Vera says she is asking because he was the only officer whose test came back positive. Vera then tells Will he will have to be suspended and investigated and that he can finish his current shift and leave at the end of the day.


Nils Jesper is shot and set on fire on Ferguson's orders.

The brawler is brought to a sudden and complete stop with Jesper looking around to see what is happening, when the doors for the brawler open a masked assailant stands there and Jesper asks who the person is then suddenly the person raises a gun to him and shoots him three times before dousing him in petrol and setting him on fire the person walks away and talks off the balaclava and its revealed to be none other then Jake. Joan is then seen smiling smugly as she goes into court.

In the dining room the women ask who Maxine is feeling and Maxine says that she is feeling ok all things considered. Boomer watches on as Liz asks if Boomer is ok and Boomer wiping away tears says it is the onions. Liz tells Boomer that Maxine is going to be fine and Boomer says that she doesn't know that. Liz says that Maxine has a lot to live for with the bub coming but Boomer says it isn't happening there and to just act normal. Tina talks to Kaz and tells her that she had a deal with her and if she doesn't step up then someone else will. Mel tells Kaz that Tina is right, Kaz says that she doesn't want it, but Mel tells Kaz the women need someone and that someone is Kaz.

Bea rings the hospital for an update on Allie and tells the staff that she is her sister, when the call is put through Bea runs out of phone credit Bea is annoyed that this has happened and swears that she was so close but so far to finding out an update.


Joan's charges are dropped after Nils Jesper is found dead

As Jake is in the bathroom of Wentworth washing his face after he shot Nils Jesper, Joan is seen walking down the steps of the courthouse a free woman. Vera tells Will that Jesper has just been found dead and Ferguson's charges will now have to be dropped because the main witness is now dead. Vera tells Will that this was her plan all along getting into general, finding someone who would believe her and get released. Will says to Vera that he did her a favour and walks out telling Jake 'thanks for nothing'. Jake goes into the office and asks why Will is angry at him, Vera says he returned a positive drug test and is being suspended which makes Jake acting deputy. Vera gets a call from her radio to say that the brawler has returned from court.

Vera and Jake stand in the sallyport as Joan is returned from court to Wentworth. Joan steps out of the brawler and walks over to Vera and Jake and says that the paperwork should be completed as soon as possible as she has 'things to do.'

Bea learns from Franky that Shayne was just a backup plan and the real hit was for someone else, and everyone who has crossed Joan is in danger. Bea says that she already has, Franky tries to comfort Bea and says that from she was told from her that Allie is a fighter. Bea says that Franky would like her and Franky tells her not to give up on her. Bea stumbles on her words and tells Franky that she has never felt this way about anyone before and she says it is nice, Will interrupts and says that there has been some news from the hospital and that he has arranged a phone call with Linda.


Bea tells Allie to 'wait for her'.

Bea is taken to medical by Will Jackson (Wentworth) and he phones Linda who is at the hospital with Maxine and Allie. The call is put through and Bea speaks with Maxine who says that the staff had let them in to see Allie, Maxine reveals that Allie is in a coma and can't breathe on her own and the doctors say that there is nothing else they can do. Bea asks Maxine if Allie can hear her and she says yes. Maxine puts the phone to Allie and Bea tells Allie that she can let go and that she can rest to go meet Debbie, as Bea continues to be extremely emotional she says to Allie 'you wait for me' and she wearily and tearfully hangs up the phone.

Bea goes to see Vera and says that she needs to speak with her. Vera and Bea talk and she says that she has an idea that might work and that idea is provoking her and revealing details of Allie's hotshot and some other details where she will record her with the phone that she has. Vera asks Bea for the phone and Bea says to think about it, but Vera says that Joan will be covered by officers until she is released. Bea tells Vera that if she can get close to her and record her it will be worth it.


Bea gives Kaz her blessing for Top Dog and tells her not to let the women down.

Bea walks down the education corridor and she hears the women celebrating, Bea looks in and sees Boomer, Liz and Doreen at the computer looking at stuff and Kaz with Juice's crew as Kaz sees Bea and walks over to her and she asks about Allie, Bea says that everything is gonna be ok, as she happily tells Kaz that she took the job, Kaz tells her that she 'got drafted' for it. Bea looks at Kaz and tells her "don't let them down" and Kaz tells her that she wont.

Bea walks back to her cell where she takes down things and rearranges them and she puts all her drawings at the front and moves the starry one away to reveal a screwdriver shiv, Bea puts the shiv up her sleeve as Vera opens to the door and asks Bea if she is ready, Bea nods and as she also has the phone, Vera walks away as Bea takes one last look at her cell before she decides not to take the phone with her and she throws it on the bed.

Joan is being processed for release in the admissions area as Jake tells Vera that Joan is ready for release, Joan requests a moment alone with Vera so they can talk, Jake leaves as Joan hands her back Vera's handkerchief and tells her thank you. Vera tells Joan that she can't intimidate her and everything she has done does not make her powerful it makes her sick. Joan tells Vera that she'll let her keep her badge as a memento and as Will walks in to stand with Vera she says to all of them 'see you all soon.' Joan is taken out of the prison via the No-Man's Land door.


Joan stabs Bea as Bea's plan to frame her for murder succeeds


Allie wakes as Bea dies

As Joan is released from Wentworth, she is released into 'No Man's Land' where she looks around to see if anyone is there, and Bea emerges from behind a brawler that is parked there. Bea confronts Ferguson and Ferguson tells her to get out of her way. Bea reveals that she has a shiv and asks her what it is like to feel like knowing that you're about to die. Ferguson says that Bea is being very stupid but Bea just says "your chest tight?, heart pumping in your ears. Those are the feelings of Fight or Flight. The two continue their standoff and Bea tells Ferguson 'this is it' and what she is about to do is for every life she has ruined and for every person she has fucked over. Bea mentions the names of the people she messed with including Jianna Riley, Jodie Spiteri. Simmo Slater and Allie. Bea goes closer and says that she is going to finish it and goes to attack Ferguson but Ferguson manages to get the shiv from her. The two look at each other as their confrontation goes on and Bea looks Ferguson dead in the eyes and reaches for her hands and forces the shiv into her stomach. As Bea continues her rage she continues to force Joan's shiv arm into her several more times before Joan says "You want this?" and stabs her several more times. Bea then tells Joan that 'she wins' and Joan looks shocked, she's been played as Bea falls to the ground, Will Jackson screams her name and tells Joan to drop it as he rushes over to help Bea, Vera comes running after, Joan drops the shiv as Will assesses what is going on. Will tells Bea to listen to him and stay awake, Vera tells Bea that they have an ambulance coming and if she can hear her, Joan looks at Bea as she looks back to the two guards as monitors are beeping that 'everything is gonna be okay.' Allie's heart monitor goes off as Linda and Maxine are cleared from the room the doctors work to save Allie, Bea sees the clouds and the clouds are turning into seahorses, as Bea dies, Allie flatlines and suddenly wakes.
